EP95: Jogresss...

40 3 11

Even after the sun had risen up, the fire on the bridge was still raging. Touko was among the mingle of people, directing them while they either put down the fire or helped the injured. It was a miracle no one have died, yet. There was those with serious injuries like her bodyguard and Garshield, but their fate wasn't decided.

Queen offered her help with moving debris and transporting things as well, feeling partly guilty for fighting in an area with much people. Yet again, did she have a choice?

Touko's eyes flicked back to the river where the killing machine had drowned. For a moment, she thought she saw the water rippling in that very same spot. She thought it was her imagination, she wanted strongly to believe it was. But she knew exactly what it was when it rippled and churned once more. That last attack wasn't enough to destroy it.

Queen: " watch out Touko!"

Something shot out of the water, spreading wide its wings before it was clearly visible. The same killing machine was once again hovering above them, though this time with one visor taking down. It was the effect of the last hit she thought.

Suddenly, the robot that was gazing upon them directed its attention somewhere else and a unit came flying its way, smashing it down back to the river.

[♪~ ost: danball Senki wars ost 26 - I make the Battlefield]

Through the scattered droplets of water, Touko glimpsed the shining purple and grey armor and the form slightly larger than a usual unit.

Touko: " what... What's that LBX!? It easily knocked it back!"

" Touko!"

The pinkette had her head snap back towards the voice's direction only to see both Jin and Ban approaching her, CCMs in hand.

Ban: " thank God we made it in time."

Touko: " eh!"

She looked back and forth between the new LBX and the two men.

Touko: " you! Don't tell me that LBX is actually yours!"

Jin: " Ban-kun! It's coming back!"

Ban: " ah!"

Sooner, the larger robot flew out of the water again, facing against Exceed. Both units stared down at each, waiting for who would make the first move.

The black unit decided upon it and send off its missiles. Exceed promptly cut through the ones heading its way and those that swerved towards the bridge before leaving them to explode behind him and making for the large robot. It backed as it shot its Laser beams, and charged it energy sphere.

The Laser was nothing to Exceed as he flew through them swiftly and used his two swords to slash at the energy charge, deflecting it away.  He used the smoke to approach the enemy and sliced its right wing which fell down to the river.

Seeing him so close, the machine used its tail rifle to shoot at him but Exceed was faster and backed. The machine used the chance to launch its missiles and beams together but they were all intercepted and hardly did much as to slow him down. Exceed picked up speed as he sliced at the left wing, making the larger robot lose the balance it struggled to keep with just one wing and fall off. He zoomed at it in its way downward.

Ban: " Hissatsu Function!"

" Attack Function: Lightning Blade!"

With a single sweep of both blades covered in electricity, the killing machine was split into two like if it had been cut by a lightning strike. The broken robot fell to the river, and didn't come back for good this time.

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