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It was a lot, they successfully retrieved AX-000's blue print data, saved Tiny Orbit from Vector's attack, as well as completely moving Seekers' base and getting the needed Stunfeel Ingot to make AX-000. With the whole mess, none of them had the chance to go home.

Takya finally decided to give them a break and asked them to see what was happening around after Mizel's interfere with their own eyes. In an official way, investigate Tokio City.

Everyone were deciding quickly on what to do.

Hiro: " Ban-san, what about you?"

Ban: " hm... Let's see... First I have to go there..."

Hiro: " there?..."

Ban gave him a small smile.

Ban: " want to come with me?"...


She jumped at him once he stepped in.

Elie: " Onii-chan!"

Ban chuckled as he returned her hug. Hiro who was right behind him, had his eyes wide in mild surprise.

Elie pulled off her brother and turned to the other boy.

Elie: " Oozora Hiro, right? I saw your battle with Onii-chan on the TV! It was awesome! You're really amazing!"

Elie: " Oozora Hiro, right? I saw your battle with Onii-chan on the TV! It was awesome! You're really amazing!"

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Hiro: " Th-Thanks so much!"

Elie: " ah, sorry, I'm Yamano Elie, nice to meet you."

Her excited expression was instantly replaced with a shy one as she realized she over reacted.

Hiro: " Oozora Hiro, pleased to meet you."

She nodded at him before her head wiped back to her side as her brother placed a hand on her shoulder.

Ban: " it seems you are doing well, I can see that your face brightened even more."

Elie: " I may get discharged soon."

She said with a bright smile.

Ban: " that would be great!"

Elie's grim solely widened.

Elie: " that aside, I know you did bring something interesting here."

Ban snapped.

Elie: " I feel it's aura from your pocket, you brought a very strong LBX."

Ban: " you really talk to LBXs, don't you."

He said with a chuckle that she returned with a sweet one before Ban handed her his LBX and even Hiro did so.

Elie: " two LBXs that were made to complete each other. They don't know any limits and able to move freely as they want. They're incredibly awesome!"

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