EP27: To Kamui Island...

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Asuka : " this is..."

The can that she was holding  slid down her hand slowly before it fell to the ground. She and everyone else never noticed it as they all had their eyes glued to the screen.

Ami clapped her hands to her mouth to prevent a scream from escaping. She finally managed to calm down and untie her tongue to speak.

Ami: " this is horrible..."

Hiro: " all around the world..."

The photos were shown destroyed buildings, burned cars and even dead bodies thrown in the corners between the shadows.

Takuya: " not all of the cities that had been attacked around the world managed to make it."

Yuuki: " with this, Tokio City is considered lucky."

Lucifer: " the causes?"

Takuya: " rampaging of infected LBXs. It seems we're the only ones who manged to get through that."

Zenon: " right, with Kirito and Eva's program."

Kirito: " you should be thankful."

Rina: " some cities managed to somehow withstand the case, mostly depending on military."

Jin: " what about country A?"

Takuya: " we couldn't contact them. It seems not only Tokio City was cut off. Most of the the cities that were attacked were cut off as well. Some managed to get the communication back, while others are still struggling, so they resorted to send their messagers to their closest neighbors, asking for help."

Hiro: " what about Paris?"

Rina: " it's of the few places that managed to somehow contain the situation."

Takuya: " they used heavy weapons after all."

Twilight: " never miss with them."

Takuya: " anyway, here comes our role."

Ran: " our role?"

Sakura appeared on the screen.

Sakura: " we're the first ones to create a vaccine for the virus thanks to Otacross-san."

Kirito: " ahm! That man couldn't have done anything without the data we provided."

Sakura: " anyway, the vaccine is working very well. So we have to deliver it to the rest of the world so they can face off this crisis."

Hiro: " it will be eas-"

Kousuke: " it won't."

Everyone looked at the blond.

Kousuke: " you saw it right. Whoever the main mind is, it's keeping a close eye on us. As soon as you depart to deliver the vaccine, it will make things even worse."

Eva frowned at that.

Evangeline : " right, we can't neglect that fact."

Hiro: " then what! Stand here while people are in danger out there?!"

Lucifer : " he said it won't be easy, not impossible."

Kousuke: " we've been given a power that can put those infected LBXs to shame. We have to use it to open our way through. No matter what the sacrifices may be."

He stood up and focused his eyes on both the blunette man and the black and white haired one.

Kousuke: " sometimes you can't avoid losses. I'm telling you it won't be easy because you may get through losses once again. But this time, you're not allowed to go back."

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