EP23: Fate...

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Kazu: " eh! Ryuu did what!?"

Ryuu looked down as the rest glanced upon him in disbelief.

Ryuu: " I'm sorry...."

Gouda: " calm down. He didn't use it after all."

Ami: " but Ryuu, why would you do that?"

Ryuu: " I really wanted to be of help to everyone."

Hiro: " regardless of the reason, you shouldn't do that."

Ryuu: " I'm really sorry."

Kirito: " you know. I don't care about your reasons or whatever..."

He said never looking up from the screen in front of him.

Kirito: " but I'm really thankful that you brought us this sample of the virus. "

In another room, Eva was running scans on both the LBX and the CCM.

Rina: " with this and the data from the vaccine program installed within Pandora and the others, maybe we can create some kind of a vaccine that everyone can use."

Takuya: " Kirito..."

Kirito : " we're doing what we can, but..."

He looked back at Ryuu.

Kirito: " Eva said she needs you to ran the virus for us one more tim-"

He was cut by the sound of an alarm. One of the employees there who had been tasked with the monitoring of the city turned with a pale face.

" Sir! It's another rampaging!"

He pulled up the map on the screen. Many dots started popping up one after the other.

Jin: " this is..."

Evangeline: " they're all almost around Cyber Lance."

Fenrir: " it seems their target is Cyber Lance this time."

Gouda: " why not Tiny Orbit?"

Just at that more dots started appearing around Tiny Orbit's building.

Kirito: " tsk! Did you have to speak?!"

Gouda: " sorry..."

Takuya: " alright! Split into two groups! One heads to Cyber Lance and the other stays here!"

Kirito : " I will be going with Jin and Eva using your car."

Kazu: " we will use my bike."

Hiro: " Ran-san, Gouda-san and I will take care of the ones around Tiny Orbit. Don't worry."

Jin: " alright then! Takuya-san, we're heading out!"

He said as he and the others rushed out...



Sendou was surrounded within a department along with a lot whole of people who sought safety there.

Outside, were a lot of explosions and shattering as LBXs wrecked havock in the area.

From his position near the window, Sendow was able to spot the players in control stationed on top of the roofs.

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