EP39: National Defense Base...

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Ban: " eh? To the National Defense Base?"

Ban was mildly surprised by the sudden decision. Kaios' serious face didn't change the least as he elaborated.

Kaios: " the president is thinking of activating an extra Communication Satellite that we've kept for emergency in order to ask for help."

Odin: " if she is going there, then why not activating all the satellites?"

Jun'ichirou : " since all the satellites were taken over, we have to assume the enemy has a strong hacker that managed to get through the National Defense Base's network. It will be hard to retrieve A Nation's satellites all at once. There is a possibility they may cut off this extra one as well, so as soon as the president activates it, we will be calling Seekers."

That caught the players by surprise.

Elie: " Seekers!"

Kaios: " Tokio City managed to contain the situation out there, I'm sure Seekers had a hand in that."

Ban: " I see."

All of them exchanged relieved looks. That was one less thing to worry about.

Odin: " Ban."

Without saying anything, the brunette understood his partner's intention.

Ban: " ah. We should go with her."

Kaios: " that's what we were hoping for. Ban-kun, you will go with her. The other three is needed here."

Lilyan: " but... Just Ban-kun?!"

Kaios: " we don't have another choice, we're pushed into a corner here as well. We can't let most of our forces go."

Jessica folded her arms as she swallowed her disapproval.

Jessica: " true, we're the only defense line against those rampaging LBXs."

Lilyan's blue eyes wandered to the brunette worriedly but were met with an assuring smile.

Ban: " I will be fine, I have Odin Mk2 with me."

She pursed her lips in hesitation before staring back at both secretary and the professor.

Lilyan: " I want to go as well."

Ban: " eh!"

Elie: " Lilyan-san..."

Jun'ichirou narrowed his eyes at the blonde's unwavering determination. Something told him she would find a way to tag along even if they disagreed.

Jun'ichirou : " alright. Secretary Kaios, please allow her to go. She will be of use to Ban."

After scanning both Ban and his father's faces, the secretary finally relented.

Kaios: " very well then. Both of you, you have to be ready tomorrow morning."

Ban& Lilyan : " Roger!"...



That night, both Jessica and her father were overseeing the preparation to launch the Duck Shuttle once more. After all, their best bet to get to the defense base safely was it.

Jessica: " It will be going out again."

Kaios: " seems like the case."

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