EP65: Dying...

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Next day...

She stared through the glass at the man lying on the bed on the other side. All kinds of machines were linked to his body, monitoring his heart's pulse, his mind's activities, his blood pressure...

 All kinds of machines were linked to his body, monitoring his heart's pulse, his mind's activities, his blood pressure

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Looking at him at that state made her heart sinking deep within her chest.

Elie: " Onii-chan..."

Lilyan approached her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

Lilyan: " Elie-san, you have to lay down and rest a bit. You've been like this since we came last night."

Elie looked at her and true for Lilyan's words, bags could be seen under her eyes swallowing due to her crying for a long time.

Elie: " I just... I can't... What if, while I'm looking away, he..."

Lilyan's face contorted for a moment, realizing the brunette's fear. She was the same.

Elie: " I can't believe it..."

She leaned her forehead on the glass, her shoulders shaking as she choked on her tears.

Elie: " his heart is still beating... He is still breathing, right... For them to say he is dying... It's a lie..."

It was taking Lilyan all her might not to shed tears.

Lilyan: " Elie-san..."



The echoes of the CCM hitting the ground resounded through the corridor plunged in total silence. It took the four of them a moment to register what they were told.

Jun'ichirou: " what do you mean he has no hope!?"

It was probably the first time they had ever heard him shouting like that. The doctor closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Such reaction wasn't new to him, though he was deeply sorry to be the bearer of the bad news.

" His mind is shutting down. Most of it is nonfunctional anymore. And it's falling apart as we speak too. The stress was too much for him it damaged his brain severely. It won't be long before he won't be able to breath on his own."

No one found their tongue to even speak back.

" I'm terribly sorry, but there was nothing we could do."

With a deep bow, he left them alone. Jin turned back to Elie and his eyes widened upon seeing her. Tears cascaded her face as she stared at the glass separating them from her brother.

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