EP114: Mizel Trouzer

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Jennifer: " I. Do. Hate. Bugs!"

She yelled as Zeon shoot down the ones that chased after her before returning to her side.

Ryan on the other hand panted heavily, his face sweating as her retreaded by her side. Astray flew through the blasts from the last Rafflesia before he discharged his blade bits, converging them on its bottom before it fell down, sparking and glitching having sustained a whole deal of damage.

Jennifer: " we're not in the battle system, the aftereffects are doubled. Maybe you should stop."

Ryan wiped away the sweat running down his face.

Ryan: " I can't. We have to protect them."

He looked up as three more dots twinkled above their heads.

Ryan: " let's take those down as well! Astray!"

The blue unit kicked the ground and flew higher whilst Jennifer heaved a tired sigh.

Jennifer: " you're such an airhead. Go, Zeon!"

Her LBX followed after him.



With Ban and Mizel, it wasn't before long that the great shadow of their ultimate enemy was cast upon them threateningly.

Ban: " must admit, facing him like that isn't the smartest idea."

Mizel: " having seconds thought already? It's not yet late to join the rest."

Ban: " I'm staying right here."

His tone was final.

Mizel: " suit yourself."

He shrugged before his eyes shot back at Leviathan, now completely formed ahead of them.

Leviathan : " seeing your futile attempts at rebellion, such pathetic sight. Why should it be that you must give away everything just to satisfy yourselves."

Ban: " we're not going to let you have this world, no matter what cost we may have to pay."

Odin: " we're stopping you this time."

Leviathan : " why... why must you go to such lengths just to stand before me?"

As he spoke those words, his cannons were charging their beams.

Leviathan : " what are you fighting for? I can't comprehend. I have promised you salvation, yet you're eager on refusing it!"

What none of them knew was that every one of their fights was broadcasted worldwide. Every large screen, every phone, every CCM had their battles looping live.

Leviathan : " I shall break you, to break the last of humankind's foolishness."

His middle head started charging his large laser beam which could wipe down the whole area off the map.

Mizel: " not if I had a say in that."

Mizel walked ahead steadily and confidently Ban cast him a questioning look. What could he do against the laser beam? Mizel merely had a smug smirk at him.

Mizel: " now that we know he has a limit to how much he can shoot it, it makes things easier for me."

He looked back at Leviathan.

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