EP119: Farewell...

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Jennifer: " everyone, thank you for everything."

Ryan: " it was a pleasure meeting you all... well, not exactly. It was a pleasure meeting the younger you."

Elie: " we're really glad to meet you too."

She said giving Jennifer a tight hug.

Elie: " be careful out there, and please, don't go on any crazy adventure without telling your parents."

Jennifer: " technically, they know, considering you're them. But yeah, I will try."

She then looked at the man beside her and hugged him, making him take a few steps back as he didn't expect it.

Jennifer: "see you in a few years, Papa. And take good care of Mama."

It was a miracle he managed to keep his calm face as she said that. What was more surprising, even for him, was that he had returned the hug.

Jin: " you don't worry, just make sure you get back home safe and sound."

Old man: " hurry up now, or do you want to be left behind."

Ryan: " alright! Alright!"

William limped closer to the old man.

William: " will this be goodbye then?"

Old man: " maybe, maybe not. I'm the overseer of time after all, if I'm needed then I'll be there."

William: " can't I get a clear answer from you for once."

He said with a small giggle.

Old man: " there is no fun in a life when everything is clear. Let's go now, Clockmon."

Jennifer: " take care everyone! Bye!"

As soon as they stepped next to the old man and the clock robot. The clock's hands began to spin and in a flash of light, they were gone. Elie and Lilyan then stopped waving their hands, looking slightly down.

Lilyan: " I won't lie, I miss the kid already."

Jessica: " alright, it's time for us to leave too. The Duck Shuttle is waiting in the airport."

She turned to Yuuya, Jin, Ban, Lilyan and Elie who were going back with her. All of them then walked over to their friend, wishing her good luck.

Evangeline : " no more running away, okay."

She said giving Elie a hug.

Elie: " yeah... I can't run away forever after all."

Lilyan: " you're not going back?"

William gave a small smile as he shook his head.

William: " I found something to do here, it's an opportunity I wouldn't be discarding so easily. Plus, I'm pretty sure he is here too. So I'll keep searching for him."

Lilyan closed on him and gave him a hug.

Lilyan: " see you soon, Onii-sama."

William: " take care."

Kirito was waiting for them with Yagami's Van this time in order to take them to the airport. As they drove in the newly rebuilt streets, Elie enjoyed her last moments in Tokio City, taking in the sight of people going about their chores without dreading a near annihilation and the buildings steadily climbing up in the background in place of those which had fallen.

On one of the TVs perched high above the street, a news report was displayed.

" The world now is facing an unpredictable phase of change following the last events. The attacks on several countries and cities, which were led by an AI, were successfully thwarted. Although the world has yet to recover from the after-effect of the whole mess, we were also met with the sudden suspension of CIS' activities..."

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