EP98: An Old Ally, A Foe...

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Unbeknown to any of them, the two battles in both Goliath and the Innovators' lab weren't the only ones occuring that night.

In different parts of the city, the rest of Seekers were still fighting against Killer Droids.

Gouda: " can't they give us just a one day rest!"

He ground as Hakai-O's chain sword cleaved through a droid's neck. He kicked away just in time to avoid the explosion.

Sendou took out a card and spared a moment to look at it.

Sendou: " seems fate doesn't intend on releasing us any time sooner."

Nightmare was jumping from one Droid to another, stepping on their heads before turning around and slashing at them from behind, taking them by surprise.

Nightmare: " anyway, where's Vampire Cat?"

He asked as he was driven back to back with Hakai-O.

Hakai-O: " I didn't see him for a while now!"

Sendou: " Asuka, your LBX better not have escaped, leaving all the work for us."

Asuka looked away, whistling a melody and pretending to not hearing him.

Gouda: " watch out!"

The Killer Droids advanced on them, but they were shot from above before they could attack. All of them rose their eyes up at the building nearby and they could see Vampire Cat standing up, holding Aquarius Laser proudly with his eyes glimmering.

Asuka: " now! Vampire Cat!"

The robot jumped down, shooting at the droids who backed away from Nightmare and Hakai-O.

Asuka: " you're not running away!"

Her fingers flew across her CCM. As soon as Vampire Cat landed he dashed towards the first Droid in its way, smiting the nuzzle of his rifle hard against its chest and knocking it off balance before shooting it straight and causing it to explode.

He nimbly dodged as the other two pointed their tail rifles at him and he ran around evasively. His speed and movements made it harder for them to aim and it took no time to create an opening.

Asuka: " now!"

Vampire Cat skidded to a stop and shot at the two droids, blowing them apart immediately. He stood still as both droids detonated, the Laser rifle over his shoulder and his eyes catching on the explosion light, making them glow bright red.

Asuka: " well done Vampire Cat!"

Gouda and Sendou sighed in defeat.

Gouda: " she used us to gather them in one spot didn't she."

Sendou: " with no doubt."

Asuka: " now what are you waiting for. Report to Takuya-san that we had this area cleaned!"

She said giving a mild slap to the purple head's shoulder who merely rolled his eyes and took out his CCM...



Momona: " ahaha... I'm not sure how I ended like this but... Help please?"

She had tripped on her own foot and fell to the ground. Once she rose her head up, she was already surrounded by Killer Droids.

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