EP75: A Block...

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Lilyan: " to think you would be placed in the first block..."

They were actually in the common room where the two men were making final adjustment to their LBXs before the start of the matches.

Evangeline: " you may have to end up against Ruri and Ken."

She said looking at their direction. The purple head was adding some final touches on their units while Ken was checking their opponents lists.

Odin: " to be honest, I do really want to battle them."

Ban: " right. I got really thrilled during their underworld tournament so I can't wait. Though..."

He sweat dropped as he peeked over his shoulder with an awkward smile, Ota Pink and Otohime where about to throw hands at each other.

Ota Pink: " listen little girl, you should just give up, Jin will never look at you!"

Otohime: " don't you talk now you weirdo! I'm sure Jin-sama will be never interested in a chicken dyed in pink!"

She snorted at her while her finger was rolling a lock of her hair.

Ota Pink: " you little-"

Not sooner that she stepped forward than her friends restricted her.

Ota Red: " stop, pink!"

Ota Black : " they will kick you out of the tournament if you start a brawl here!"

Eva was hardly bottling her laughter, especially seeing Jin's face who wanted nothing more than to vanish into thin air right then right there.

Lilyan shifted her eyes from the group to him.

Lilyan: " you sure are popular among girls."

Jin merely heaved a tired sigh. Such turn of events wasn't expected at all. Elie on the other hand had a death glare at the other girls.

Elie: " listen, Onii-chan, Jin..."

Her voice was so cold and she looked back at them with a very terrifying face.

Elie: " smash, dice, tear and blow them apart. You're not allowed to lose, understood!"

They both nodded multiple times.

Elie: " good."

MC : " to everyone, it's now the due time for the first block's battles! Are you ready?"

They all stood as most of the people there started walking out and heading to the arena.

Elie: " that's your cue."

Ken and Ruri walked up to them.

Ken: " are you ready, Ban-san, Jin-san?"

The two males nodded.

Lilyan: " good luck to you all."

Beargguy : " we will be cheering for you."

Unicorn: " do your best."

Evangeline : " and be careful with your LBXs."

Valkyrie: " leave it to us."

And so they split as they left the hall...



MC: " here we're ladies and gentlemen, the A Block first battles!"

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