EP101:A Cyber Attack... A Trap...

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Both Ryan and Jennifer blinked in sheer astonishment at the sight within the dinning hall the next morning. Most of their friends sat down to their tables and, instead of the usual maintenance kit and their units, had rather brought out their pens and text books.

Arata: " geez! This problem is hard, Muraku, let me borrow your work."

Muraku: " nope, do it yourself."

He said scooting to the side of the table.

Arata: " come on, I will just have a peek."

He was completely ignored by the other boy, leaving him to direct his begging looks to Gendou and Hikaru, who weren't more cooperative than Muraku was.

Hikaru: " don't complain, give it a try first before asking for the solution."

The two kids swapped looks of confusion.

Ryan: " did we switch worlds or something?"

Elie: " not at all."

She mysteriously popped right behind them with a beaming face, startling them for a moment.

Jennifer: " Mama!"

Elie: " you two, you know what's today's date."

They inclined their heads trying to recall the date.

Ryan: " 25 February 2057, right?"

Jennifer: " I see, final exams."

She looked back at the rest of them, still plunged in their own worlds. It was then when she glimpsed Jin and Eva moving along the tables.

Elie: " correct! The younger ones will be having their final exams soon! Even though saving the world is a top priority for all of us, abandoning your studying schedule is intolerable!"

She made a cross mark with her arms.

Elie: " Jin tried to keep them up with their schedule the best he could for the whole journey, giving the situation of course. But still, now that the exams are closing on..."

Astray: " I see now. They need to put some extra effort for the time they had spent running around the world after all."

Evangeline : " you just have to find the primitive equation, then this will be easier to prove."

She said scribing something on a sheet of paper while Ran and Hiro were following her explanation diligently.

Ran: " he, there was such an easy solution. I wonder why we didn't think of it."

Hiro: " Eva-san, you're really smart."

The blonde flashed nervously at the complement. She didn't intend to show off or anything.

Evangeline : " not at all, when you work hard you can just figure such things way faster."

Ran: " heh, don't act modest. You're one of the smartest person we know and we're thankful for your aid now."

She said hunching over her notebook and applying Eva's method.

Hiro : " thanks for the help, Eva-san."

Evangeline : " anytime you want."

And she stood up to help Wataru and Momona with their work as well. Jin on the other hand was focusing on Muraku and the rest of the 3rd year students.

Zeon: " well, I think with Jin and the rest taking care of their tuition, there is nothing to worry about."

Elie: " what about you two?"

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