EP 107: or rather... Despair...

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 Lilyan leaned her head on the glass of the window, looking down at the small buildings surrounding the mall. Now that she had reached the very top, she could see just about everything around the city.

The blonde's eyes darted then to the very far corner of Tokio City upon hearing a blaring clatter. Pillars upon pillars of smoke rose up at the time, the Big tank was still rampaging around the area.

Seeing her shoulders shaking slightly, William, who had already settled by a computer at the time, rose up and gently approached her, his hand placed on her right shoulder. Even without asking he knew exactly how much worried she was.

William: " don't worry, he isn't alone. They'll all be back sound and safe."

The woman then nodded, still, she tried her best not to look out again. She busied herself with focusing on what her brother was doing as he went back to typing. She tried to discern what he was writing but to no avail, it must have been some sort of program, and she was never good with them.

Lilyan: " what are you programming?"

She finally decided to ask.

William: " I'm preparing to send the signal."

Lilyan: "... what sort of signals are you going to send to Minerva to wake her up?"

William looked back at her with a small smile.

William: " it's more like a ping using a code we've agreed on."

His eyes flicked for a moment towards the small LBX flying by his sister's side and Unicorn couldn't help but notice that.

William: " nevertheless, I'm really thankful we didn't run into any trouble so far. Frankly, I feared we might face some Killer Droids or even worse, their soldiers."

Lilyan: " is that why you wanted me to come along?"

She inquired rather curiously. She wouldn't mind following her brother and protecting him. Still, there were many stronger people back then. Wouldn't it be more convenient to have Ban or one of his friends come along?

William: " that, and one other reason."

He turned around, pointing his finger at Unicorn.

William: " he's the key to waking Minerva up."

Lilyan blinked twice at those words before turning back to her LBXs as though expecting to find something off about him before she faced her brother.

Lilyan: " come again."

William: " the very code we're pinging Minerva with in a moment is within Unicorn."

He explained slowly while going back to typing on his terminal.

William: " without Unicorn I can never wake her up. That's exactly why I send him to you, to keep safe and keep away from Leviathan as much as possible. I wanted Unicorn to stay out of this fight. Didn't expect Minerva to pick you as a chosen player as a matter of fact."

Unicorn: " so..."

Unicorn flew down and rested on his player's shoulder.

Unicorn: " ... I was created to keep the activation key safe didn't I?"

William looked back to him, as though trying to discern what he was thinking of.

William: " I can't say that you were solely created for that purpose, but yeah, it was a reason."

The LBX stayed silent for a moment. If he really was made to keep the activation code of Minerva safe. So what would happen of him after all is over, after she wakes up? Does that mean he had fulfilled his purpose and he no longer is required? What if it was the case and he was only granted consciousness for that mere reason?

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