EP87: William...

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Egor: " William-kun! I'm really glad to see you doing well! Though to think you've been hiding nearby for all those years! You took me by surprise!"

He said squeezing the man's arms, greeting him warmly to which the younger man cracked a soft smile at that.

William: " I just figured I need to stay near someone I can trust in case my plans were messed up. Plus, the isolation of the area played to my favor."

Evangeline: " is it a good idea though, bringing him here?"

Aya: " we did take care of their army though."

Lillia: " it's not enough. They may send another one."

William: " it's fine. Don't you worry about it now."

He said turning back to them and scanning them as though trying to find someone.

William: " more importantly, Mizel. Seeing that he is not here, I may guess that our biggest fear became true."

Mirai fumbled through her bag and took the inactive O-Legion.

Mirai: " Leviathan... Hacked him... He's been like this since then..."

William gently took him up.

William: " you did well so far. Now let's get you back. Professor, I may need to borrow your hardware."

Egor gestured with a radiant smile to his desk.

Egor: " go ahead. You don't need my permission after all."

He nodded thankfully before taking his spot in front of the computer, typing away. Meanwhile, the players attention went to the new kids.

Ban: " and you are..."

Jessica: " they helped us out finishing the enemy's forces. They have some pretty strong and rare LBXs."

She said with an exotic smile, her eyes flickering between the duo.

Queen: " why don't you introduce yourselves. We didn't catch your names yet."

Ryan: " I'm Ya-Ryan... Ryan."

He quickly retorted upon receiving a nudge from the girl next to him.

Ryan: " and this is my cousin, Jennifer."

Jennifer: " nice to meet you."

Gouda: " same here! We're glad to have new strong players with us!"

Asuka: " ne ne! How comes your LBXs are so strong!? What type of motors do you use!? And your weapons! I've never seen any of them before!"

Sendou : " plus, we didn't see you use any CCMs during today's battle. How did you issue the attack function command?"

Ryan sweat dropped.

Ryan: " actually..."

William: " done."

He was thankful the older blond caught their attention. O-Legion, which was hooked to the professor's server using many wires, had its visors blinking.

William: " it will take him a while to reboot his systems but he will come around soon. While we're waiting, I believe I need to catch on a lot of things. Namely..."

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