EP 42: Invading Mission... Part 2...

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... Ban: " why is Kaiser here?"

Jin narrowed his eyes at the additional parts on the LBX's armor. They were  similar to those of the Killer Droid's.

Jin: " they even upgraded it. This will be a tough time."

He said whipping out his CCM almost automatically. Ban frowned his brows as he looked back at his friends.

Ban: " Jin and I are going to fight it. You move forward and head to the server room."

Eva nodded as she grabbed Elie by the arm.

Evangeline : " let's go."

The brunette seemed like if she wanted to protest, but decided against that and nodded.

Lilyan gave Ban a meaningful look and he smiled at her.

Ban: " I'll be fine."

Finding no sign of deceit in his voice, she nodded. Elie turned one last time as if wishing them good luck before they all ran forward.

Zenon and Odin Mk2 landed on the ground, each taking out his weapon while holding a fighting stance.

Ban: " how should we move?"

Jin squinted his eyes at the LBX.

Jin: " most likely that it has the same trick from before. Let's try to finish it quickly before it can analyse our fighting pattern."

Ban nodded as he held up his CCM. Both LBXs kicked the ground and pushed their weights forward to attack...



  Gouda: " where the hell did it go?"

He grunted when the white and pink LBX faded. Hakai-O Ouga, like his partner, lost his patience and started swinging his sow sward around aimlessly, almost knocking down the other LBXs.

Nightmare: " watch out!"

He yelled out.

Sendou: " just like Ban and the others who infiltrated the Innovators LAB said. Then..."

He tried to look around for a shadow. Before he even knew it, Achilles D9 jumped and slashed at the air behind Nightmare, which suddenly emitted sparks before it revealed the said LBX.

Sendou: " it was there! So..."

Gouda: " tsk! They must have come up with some trick for the shadow thing!"

Kirito narrowed his eyes before looking at Hiro.

Kirito: " Achilles' moves just now, he was following your orders. How did you figure out the whereabout of Fairy?"

Hiro narrowed his eyes like if he was trying to figure out the same thing as well.

Hiro: " I'm not sure. It felt similar to my future visions."

Asuka: " it's disappearing again!"

Fenrir: " stay close!"

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