EP97: Infiltrating Goliath...

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Kousuke was leading them through a path underneath Goliath. It was quite a complicated one that required them to climb down, climb up, round multiple corners on end.

Twilight : " now thinking about it, isn't this the path Ami had mentioned."

Evangeline looked at the back of Kousuke who responded immediately.

Kousuke: " yep, this is an escape route that was made by my father. It isn't included even in the building map of the main system. No one but us, and Seekers, know about it. Not that they would do if it wasn't for the Kaidou doll."

He clicked his tongue at the reminder of the Kaidou doll, for he couldn't yet forget the humiliation he felt upon realizing he was toyed with.

Kousuke: " and now I have to sneak to get to my own place, it's not beautiful."

Kirito: " well, we're here so we can give you back your rightful place, isn't it."

Strike: " you should be thankful."

Lucifer: " if you take Goliath back, that is."

Kousuke: " as my beautiful Lucifer said."

Mirai's eyebrow was twitching at the smirk he gave them.

Mirai: " I really can't tolerate this guy."

Kousuke: " we've reached the storage room."

He pointed out while he walked down the stairs, everyone following behind him carefully because of the dimly lit place.

Twilight : " remind me how can you see?"

Kousuke: " I told you I know this place like the back of my hand."

He clinged to the wall and gestured for them to do the same as he peeked through the door, checking the coast.

Kousuke: " Lucifer."

The green and golden LBX nodded his head before he flew ahead, checking the area before giving them the signal to follow him. They sneaked around the place until they had reached to the same room where Kousuke had once trapped Kazu and the rest.

Mirai: " that's quite easy."

Kousuke: " what do you take me for. I'm the chosen one by god remember."

Kirito: " yeah yeah, we know."

He said assuming a seat in front of one of the computers and starting to work.

Kousuke: " alright, first of all delete the security cameras' history. We don't want them knowing about us."

Kirito: " already done. Now all I should do is take down the alerts and-"

Evangeline : " Kousuke."

The blond looked up as she called out, his eyes narrowed at her restless tone.

Kousuke: " what is it?"

He said walking to the two girls who had been watching the production line through the glass. It wasn't long before he had his eyes wide himself.

Kousuke: " what..."

Kirito: " Kousuke... You better check here as well."

The male rushed back to his friend's side. His jaws dropped in horror at what he was seeing.

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