EP49: LAB...

53 4 14

Arata stood up in front of the door, not knowing how to face off the man standing on the other side. But as his cousin said, he can't keep on running from him forever.

Dot Blastriser looked at him to which Arata offered a reassuring smile.

Arata: " don't worry about me. It's just that... my father isn't like Dr. Yamano... or any of our friends' parents that we met for that matter."

He said before reaching into his pocket and taking out a key. He hesitantly opened the door and stepped in with a weak ' I'm back '. He got his shoes off and placed them rightfully in their place to which the LBX was surprised.

Arata had been always the messy boy. Even during his time in the dorms, his half of the room would sometimes exceed Sakuya's room in term of mess. He was more than shocked to see that same Arata actually acting as a quiet obedient kid.

Arata wandered across the house. Everything was tidy up and cleaned. Not even the smallest spec of dust could be spotted. Dot Blastriser realized the fourniture was actually a top class expensive one, to which he wondered if Arata was actually a rich boy.

It then hit him, that he knew nothing of his partner's life outside the school. He had been with him for a while, but he never knew what type of childhood he had, who were his parents, how he lived. They were all clueless to a lot of things about Arata.

Arata walked up the stairs and to a certain room that Dot Blastriser assumed to be his. The room had a very expensive fourniture as well and was very large. What amazed the LBX were the many shelves of books that were taking a whole corner for themselves.

Dot Blastriser: " I didn't know you like reading books?"

Arata sweat dropped.

Arata: " I don't. But my father forced me to do so when I was a kid."

He said as he took out his CCM and checked out the time.

Arata: " if he is keeping the same schedule as before he should be here any moment."

Soon the sound of a car parking outside proved him right. He could tell the one outside knew that he was there.

A few minutes went by as Arata waited for the man to climb upstairs. Soon a voice from behind the door spoke.

" Get yourself cleaned and come meet me in my office in an hour."

Despite being thankful for delaying his conference with his father, he was disappointed. Nothing from when he left for Kamui Daimon changed. Even after almost a year, he still wouldn't open the door to see his only son's face.

An hour had passed, Arata came out of the shower with a towel on his head. He had changed into light blue pajamas. Just when he had dried his hair, he left the room with his LBX hiding in his pocket. He stopped in front of the door next to his and knocked twice before a muffled ' come in ' answered.

The boy opened the door as he faced his father's back, as usual. The man was looking through the very many cases he had that day and the ones he will have the next one.

" You're 2 minutes late."

Arata: " sorry..."

" Why didn't you answer to my calls?"

Arata kept silent.

" Anyway, hope you had your time playing around for this whole year. Now you can stop this foolish thing and-"

Arata: " I told you before it's not foolish!"

The man looked up from his files and turned to face the red head. He had dark black short hair and small mustaches as well, bright narrow blue eyes that matched those of his son and were hiding behind a pair of rectangular glasses.

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