EP111: We'll be Protecting You...

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William and Mizel copped themselves up in the Seeker Base, watching the records of Leviathan's attack time and time again.

Mizel: " it's no use, I can hardly find any opening."

William pushed up his glasses without taking his eyes from the screen.

William: " even though, we still have to figure out his weakness."

His eyes narrowed when the video reached Leviathan's cannon.

William: " I can't allow them to go fight if we can't find out a way to defeat him. If I ask them to fight against that weapon it's the same as asking them to get themselves killed."

Mizel's green eyes darted sideway at the clenched fists of William. Despite his injury, he had insisted on doing what he could to help the chosen players.

Mizel: " we still have time..."

He said rewinding the video backwards.

Mizel: " we will keep rewatching it until we find his weakness."

William's blue eyes were glimmering in confidence.

William: " ah!"


Asuka sat on the side of the bench, hugging her knees and leaning her head against the glass of the window, peering down at the dark Tokio City.

She didn't snap of her thoughts until she felt a weight on the other side.

Sendou: " it's unlike you to keep quiet this long. Still bothered?"

Asuka heaved a deep sigh and looked down at her own feet.

Asuka: " I know that seeing the whole world fight should be helping me find strength and courage and stuff. But..."

Sendou: " it just feels like a futile struggle for you, I get it."

He said taking out a card but he returned it back without saying a word about it.

Sendou: " do you want to pull back then?"

He asked glancing at her from the corner of his eye.

Asuka: " that's not a choice!"

Sendou: " why?"

He asked patiently and Asuka seemed befuddled at that.

Asuka: " why you say... because it feels wrong. After coming this far, I can't just walk away and leave you all to grapple with everything."

Sendou: " I wouldn't mind you walking away on me. Honestly I really only trust myself in the end."

He shrugged.

Asuka: " again with that lie."

She scoffed and Sendou rolled his eyes at her.

Sendou: " what makes you think so?"

Asuka: " because you're standing right here with everyone and risking your own life, that makes it hard to believe it."

Sendou: " you're not wrong."

Asuka took a double take when Sendou said that. He actually admitted he was lying.

Sendou: " true, I'm standing here right now and able to trust everyone with my life, because they entrusted me with theirs. Because I know they depend on me I have to give it my all as well, regardless of my own feelings."

Asuka let out a small chuckle.

Asuka: " that's so unlike you, to say something like that."

Sendou: " because you're in such situation I feel obliged to say so."

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