EP9: Time to rest...

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The Duck shuttle's thrusters were activated as it got ready to depart. Yuuya was already climbing up the stairs while Jin stayed behind to say his goodbyes.

Jin: " Ban-kun, thanks for everything so far."

He said offering his hand to the brunette.

Ban: " it's sad I won't have to battle you for a while, but we'll see each other soon."

He took the other boy's hand and shook it.

Ban: " I wish you luck on the path you decided to take."

Jin nodded with a smile before turning to the girl who was shifting her weight on her feet nervously, still always in her pink dress.

Jin: " Elie, I'll be looking forward for our next battle. So until then, take care of yourself."

He said with a gentle smile and the girl fidgeted around with a blush.

Ban: " come on Elie, go on, give it to him already."

Jin couldn't help the slight curiosity that manifested over his face at that.

Elie walked over to him and gently took his hand, placing something in his open palm. Red eyes looked at the metallic thing resting on his hand, it was a pendant.

Elie: " I made it myself, it's not very good. I had to rush since you announced all of a sudden that you want to leave. And... I really wanted to thank you."

He blinked at her.

Elie: " when I was still at the hospital, your visits made me really happy. I wanted to thank you for always passing by, even if you barely new me back then. It meant a lot for me."

Jin: " you didn't have to. And I really liked it."

He said tightening his grip around the pendant. Elie grinned widely as her face turned slightly red.

Jessica: " Jin! We're taking off!"

She yelled at him from the top of the stairs. Elie quickly whirled the boy around and gave him a small push.

Elie: " now go or they will leave you behind."

The boy turned his head around, he saw was Ban and Elie waving at him with bright smiles. He gently returned the gesture and boarded the ship that took off to country A.

As he watched from his seat the city getting smaller and smaller, he took out the pendant, glancing down at it.

Yuuya: " Jin-kun, what's the matter?"

Jin: " eh?"

He looked up at his friend sitting next to him.

Yuuya: " you look... Happier than usual. Just now you were smiling at that pendant."

He was?

Jessica climbed the seat in front of Yuuya and looked back at them.

Jessica: " I bet it has something to do with Elie."

Yuuya: " hee, really?"

Jin: " I'm not answering that."

He stated as he placed the pendant around his neck and looked out the window, eventually slightly smiling...


She took a sip of her juice and had a satisfied smile.

Elie: " it's the best ever, Gouda."

Gouda: " enjoy."


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