OVA: Valentine's special...

58 4 13

Months earlier....

Elie stood by the threshold, mouth slightly open and two plastic bags on the ground by her feet with their contents rolling out.

Elie : " come again..."

Ban, who was cleaning the dishes looked back at her with a roll of his eyes.

Ban: " I've asked Lilyan out for dinner tonight. This is the third time I repeat it."

Elie: " come again..."

Ban: " oh, come on Elie!"

Elie shook her head to wake up from the trance. It was a shock to hear that her brother asked a girl out.

Elie: " you're not trying to play a joke on me or something?"

She gauged him carefully as she waited for his answer.

Ban: " why would I? Anyway, that means you will stay by your own tonight. Would you be fine?"

Elie rolled her eyes this time.

Elie: " Onii-chan, I'm almost 19, you don't need to worry about me."

Suddenly something went through her mind as she eyed her brother.

Elie: " when are you both meeting?"

Ban: " at 8 in the restaurant by the bay."

Elie" 8!"

Her eyes quickly flew to the clock hanging in the kitchen.

Elie: " that's basically two hours later! And you're still cleaning the kitchen!"

Ban: " it's fine, I will get ready in 15 minutes."

Elie slapped her forehead as she gave a desperate sigh.

Elie: " for god's sake. How did Lilyan-san fall in love with you!"

She promptly propped all of the grocery on the kitchen's counter before whirling around and rolling up her sleeves.

Elie: " time for work."

Ban: " eh!"

Before he knew it he was grasped by the collar and pulled to his bedroom. His closet's doors flew wide open as Elie rummaged through his clothes. Shirts, sweaters, pants and a lot more clothings were flying above his head as she digged through the whole wardrobe.

Elie: " we have to pick you a nice outfit and we're running out of time!"

She said pulling him in front of the mirror and holding up a t-shirt in front of him.

Ban: " um... I thought it's okay to wear what I usually wear. Even Lilyan said so."

Elie: " argh! Everyone says so but it's important to have a nice outfit on you! This is a date you're going to! You mustn't take it slightly! It's of most importance that you have a good impression on her!"

Seeing her outburst, he thought it seemed familiar to some friend of his.

Elie was tearing her eyes from one outfit to another.

Elie: " hm, I think I've found what would suit you the most. Here! Take a shower and put those on! And hurry!"

She said pushing the clothes to his chest.

Ban: " but I took a shower this morning!"

Elie: " do it again! And hurry up so we have time to deal with you hair!"

She said exiting the room. Ban whirled his head to the mirror and sweat dropped.

Ban: " my hair she says..."...

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