EP20: Hero...

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He was looking down at his CCM, thinking about the mark he saw when he opened it. It seems even his mother was clueless to it.

Hiro's brown eyes met with Achilles' green ones.

Hiro: " just, who am I? Who are you? And what am I supposed to do?"

Then there was loud explosions from the outside. His floor was a bit high so, it wasn't attacked by the missiles. But it made him panic.

Hiro wanted to see what was happening but he couldn't get out of the bed no matter how hard he tried. His control over his limbs was still loose.

A few minutes went by and all he could hear were screams and explosions, no more.

They stopped for a second, but suddenly the floor shook. Before he could even proceed what was happening he saw through the glass clouds of smoke rising up.

Hiro: " what's happening..."

His CCM rang and he picked up.

Ran: " Hiro! Hiro are you alright?"

Hiro: " Ran-san!"

Ran: " thank God! I will be getting there soon! Wait for me!"

And she ended the call without even explaining what was happening.

He started to get more worried as he saw all of the clouds of smoke and hearing the screams and loud cries from the floor beneath his.

Hiro: " I can't just... Sit still..."

He tried again to get out of the bed, but he couldn't.

Hiro: " I want to help! I don't want to stay here!"

As he made another attempt, the same owl mark appeared on his CCM again.

" Oozoora Hiro, are you a hero?"

A female voice spoke. Hiro widened his eyes at the 'yes' and 'no' buttons.

He felt an urge to click the yes button. As his finger tip moved to do so, a voice interrupted back then.

" Otto. You can't make that choice, Nii-san. At least, Not now."

The voice wasn't coming from the CCM this time. It came through the machine linked to him.

He wandered his eyes towards it only to see some sort of a shadow on the screen.

He wandered his eyes towards it only to see some sort of a shadow on the screen

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Hiro: " who... Am I... Do you know anything about my past?"

The shadow chuckled.

" I know a lot of things about you."

Hiro: " can you tell me?"

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