you're scared of needles (requested)

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You bounced your knee as soon as the nurse walked out the door, leaving you and Jennie alone for a moment as she went off to gather everything she needed to give you the vaccine you have to get today.

"It's gonna be alright, y/n," Jennie comforted you as she placed her hand on your knee to stop it from bouncing.

"No, it isn't! I hate needles, Jen. You know that. I don't want it."

"I know you don't, baby. But you really need to get it. It's gonna keep you from getting really sick."

"The thought of the needle is making me feel sick already." You whined and instead of saying a word back to you, she slid her hand up your knee to where your hand rested on your lap. She took it into hers and gave it two squeezes, hoping it would comfort you a little.

The nurse walked back in and your eyes went huge upon seeing the needles in her gloved-hand. You swallowed thickly as a lump appeared in your throat. Your heart was pounding in your chest, a rush of anxiety coming over you.

"No, I can't do it." You mumbled as you squeezed your eyes shut.

"You can, baby. I'm right here. You're gonna be just fine." Jennie soothed and brushed her thumb across your knuckles.

"It's alright, y/n." The nurse spoke, hoping to calm you a little more. She rubbed the cloth along your arm and you jumped at the sudden cold.

Leaning into Jennie, you kept your eyes squeezed shut and your hand tight in hers.

"It's okay." She whispered in your ear and used her other hand to rub your thigh.

"Just a little pinch," the nurse said and you jumped when the needle went into your arm.

"Good girl," Jennie said as she watched the nurse pull the needle back out.

You lifted your head and finally opened your eyes, meeting Jennie's bright beautiful brown eyes.

"It's done?"

"It's all done." The nurse said.

"You did so great, baby. I'm proud of you!"

You giggled a little as she laid a soft kiss on your cheek and helped you off the bed.

"How about we go grab some lunch at your favorite place? My treat."

"I'd love that a lot!" You said as you walked out the door, hand in hand with Jennie. "Thanks for being here with me and for comforting me when I get scared."

"It was nothing, my love. You know I'll happily hold your hand whenever you need me to. Besides, I'm used to it. Lisa is terrified of needles too, so you're not the only one." She said as she climbed into the car with you.

"I love you."

She kissed you, lips lingering on your own for a few extra seconds before she pulled back.

"I love you more. Now, let's go to your favorite place. You deserve some good food after all that." She smiled and then squeezed your hand once more before driving off, happy that you were feeling much better now than you did before.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now