the first time she hears you sing (requested)

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"Y/N?" Jennie called out as she walked through the door.

It's been a busy morning but she's got the rest of the day to spend with you.

In fact, she's supposed to be taking you out for lunch at your favorite spot. You told her you'd be ready to go when she arrived, but you're not anywhere to be seen and she hasn't heard you yell back to her or the sound of your footsteps on the stairs.

"Baby!" Jennie yelled as she climbed the stairs and went into the bedroom.

But she froze on her feet when she reached the doorway and a smile tugged at her lips when she heard the sound of your voice coming from the bathroom.

You're singing along to your favorite song. She knows those lyrics like the back of her hand, considering you can't seem to get enough of it.

She didn't dare move.

She just stayed frozen on her feet, leaning against the doorframe as she closed her eyes and basked in the sound of your voice. She's never heard you sing before.

You say you sound terrible, never able to compare to her pretty voice.

But she didn't care about comparisons. To her, you sounded beautiful, whether you believed you were good at singing or not.

She could tell you were pouring your heart out into the lyrics. It's your favorite song and she knows just how much you love it. Singing it at the top of your lungs only proved that more.

She heard the shower turn off and she was undecided on if she should sneak into the bathroom or wait out in the bedroom for you.

She opted for the latter and took a seat at the foot of your bed. She stared at her painted nails, smiling as you continued to sing.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and her head turned. You came out with your towel wrapped around your body, singing quietly as you stared down at your feet, unaware that Jennie was even there until she spoke.

"Your voice is pretty."

You jumped and looked her way in shock.

"Jennie! When did you get here?" You asked as you pressed your hand over your pounding heart while she stood up and made her way to you.

"A few minutes ago." She confessed. "I finished the photo shoot. Thought you'd meet me downstairs."

"Sorry, I decided to get a quick shower before we went out."

She nodded and softly caressed your exposed and bare shoulder blades with the tips of her fingers.

"Y-You heard me sing?"


You groaned and dropped your head on her chest in embarrassment.

"I'm so embarrassed."

"Why?" She chuckled as you lifted your head to look at her. "Y/N, it doesn't matter if you're good or not. Singing makes people feel better, it gives people happiness. I think you've got a pretty voice. But, if you don't, then we'll agree to disagree. But please don't be embarrassed. It's just me and you know you never have to be insecure or worried about me judging you."

"Thanks, Jen." You smiled as she brushed a lock of damp hair behind your ear and gave you a little kiss.

"You're welcome, sweet girl. Now, get dressed. We've got a lunch date to get to!"

You nodded and hurriedly grabbed your clothes before rushing back into the bathroom, leaving your girlfriend with a big smile on her face as she wondered how she ever got so lucky to have you.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora