you fall asleep on her lap

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Since neither of you had any plans for the day, Jennie suggested you binge watch something together. It seemed like the perfect way to spend the day.

You made yourselves comfortable; she laid on the couch with her legs stretched out while you laid with your head on her lap. She draped the blanket over you both, making you feel even warmer than you already did with her arms wrapped around you.

Occasionally she'd turn your cheek to lean down and steal a kiss or two and she'd move her fingers through your hair. It was only meant to be a show of affection, but after the long week you'd had it was the perfect thing to lull you to sleep.

You sighed and closed your eyes. You felt her lips brush against yours again and you tiredly kissed her back then felt them trail up to your forehead. "You're gonna make me feel asleep." You mumbled, only becoming more and more relaxed as she continued to play with your hair.

"That's okay. If you fall asleep, you fall asleep. I'm okay with it. We still have a lot of time left in the day." You reached up and took ahold of one of her hands. You kept your eyes closed but placed a few kisses across her hand and fingers. You felt her fingers wrap around your hand before she laced them together with yours.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, darling." She whispered softly. She knew you were tired and honestly, she felt the same way. She continued to play with your hair and move her thumb across your knuckles until she knew you had fallen asleep.

She took a moment to admire you before she leaned back against the throw pillow behind her. "Love you, y/n," she said, turning her attention back to the tv until she fell asleep herself just a few minutes later with a small smile on her face.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now