you fall off the bed in your sleep (requested)

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The room was pitch-black, the only sounds being yours' and Jennie's soft breaths as you slept peacefully beside each other.

Usually, you cuddle all through the night. You always fall asleep in her arms and sleep with your head on her chest and your legs tangled together.

Tonight, however, you were restless and ended up squirming out of her arms sometime through the night.

Jennie awoke feeling a little cold, which is something she's not used to feeling in the middle of the night when she's holding onto you.

She reached out for you and felt around the bed. She felt the fabric of her shirt that you were wearing and scooted toward you, only to find you on the edge of the bed.

You were close to falling off but she figured she could pull you back in her arms and keep you sleeping safe and sound in the comfort of your bed.

However, just as she went to put her arm around you, you slipped off the bed and fell onto the floor with a thud.

"y/n!" She turned on the lamp and got out of bed to come to you. She knelt on the floor in front of you as you groaned and opened your eyes slowly.

You expected to feel the blanket tucked underneath you or the mattress that's so comfortable that it sometimes feels like you're floating on a cloud.

Instead, you felt the hardwood floor against your fingertips and saw Jennie knelt on the floor in front of you, looking worried yet also like she was trying not to laugh.

"Why am I on the floor?"

"Because you fell off the bed. Are you okay?" She asked worriedly and laid her hand on your arm. When you nodded, she couldn't help but chuckle a little. "You're just so clumsy!" She teased. "What am I gonna do with you?"

"Hold me a little tighter." You suggested and she just smiled happily before kissing your cheek. She reached for your hand and helped you off the floor and into bed.

You laid on your back and she curled up beside you. Turning off the lamp, she brought the blankets over the both of you, although she gave you most of them so you'd be warm.

"I love you."

"I love you too, cutie." She said before kissing you lovingly and rubbing your back as you laid your head on her chest, your ear right over her heart. "Sleep well and have sweet dreams... and try not to fall off the bed again."

"Jennie," you groaned to which she just giggled happily and kissed your head as you drifted off to sleep, warm and secure in her arms once more.

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