she thinks you don't love her (requested)

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"You really do look beautiful tonight," Jennie spoke softly, looking from your eyes to your hand. She was itching to take ahold of it and intertwine your fingers. But that was nothing new. It's been five months that she's known you now and she's head over heels for you. She can't help but wonder if you feel the same way she does, but she's kept hope that you have.

Usually, she's good at keeping her feelings a secret. Only the girls know. But tonight, she brought you along to a major event for the girls and you're dressed in the most beautiful dress she's ever laid her eyes on and she's having so much trouble hiding the way her pulse seems to quicken and her stomach fills with butterflies when you look at her.

"You've only told me ten times so far." You laughed but she just nodded her head with a smile. Her eyes looked so soft, filled with a look of adoration; a look that they only ever hold for you.

She was ready to speak again. She was fighting with her thoughts of whether or not she should tell you and she was leaning towards just taking your hand and wrapping her fingers around your own and just coming out with it like she's been dying to do for the last five months.

But the sound of a very familiar voice from the other side of the room made you turn your head and she suddenly felt her confidence fading away.

"Oh! It's Rosé! Do you mind if I go say hi to her real quick?"

She shook her head and nodded toward Rose. "No. Go on ahead. I'll meet you over there in a moment. I'm gonna go grab something to drink! Do you want something?"

"Yeah, actually that sounds great. You know what I like!"

She nodded and watched you walk away before she let out a long and heavy sigh, hoping she could build her courage back up.

She quickly grabbed a couple of drinks and took a deep breath before turning around to look for you and Rosé. She noticed you from across the room and her eyes lit up when she saw you.

But they quickly turned sad when she noticed you and Rosé. You were holding onto her and she was holding you just as tight. She was whispering something in your ear and rubbing your back and it felt like everything was suddenly crashing down around her. There was a lump forming in her throat and she couldn't seem to swallow it back no matter how much she tried.

She thought about putting on a brave face and talking to Rosé about it later, but she couldn't help but notice the smile on your face when you pulled back from the hug and she wondered if maybe all this hope she's had from the moment she met you was all for nothing.

She could feel the tears stinging her eyes. She noticed Jisoo and Lisa making their way toward her, their bright smiles fading when they noticed the sadness in her eyes. They raced over to her, ready to ask her what had brought her down.

But just as they were by her side, you were calling out her name and she felt like she couldn't breathe. She let the cup fall from her hand before she went to the door to go get some fresh air.

But you were following right behind her and she should've known you would. But she didn't hear your heels on the ground and she couldn't help but sniffle as the first tear fell from her eye.

"Jennie? Are you okay? What happened?" You asked worriedly and laid your hand on her back. She jumped at your sudden touch and tried to blink her tears away before she turned around and tried to smile her way through the shattering of her heart in her chest.


"It's not nothing. You're crying. Why?"

She scoffed and tugged at her hair before she looked at her feet.

"You haven't noticed... have you?"

"Noticed what?"

"How I feel about you!" She yelled out as she tugged her hair again. "I love you! Okay? I love you and I know now that you don't feel the same way. I get that you love Rosé and if that's how you feel..." She stopped to take a breath and look into your eyes. "Then please say it. Because I've been dying to confess to you that I love you, that I can't see anyone but you."

She looked down at her feet and tried to prepare herself for the words she thought you would say.

"Rosé?" You scoffed and she looked up at you in confusion. "You think I love Rosé?"

"Yeah. I mean... you looked pretty cozy in there so I just thought that...."

She paused when you stepped closer and took her hands into yours. Her breath hitched and her eyes were wide when they met yours.

"Rosé was hugging me to give me some reassurance. Because I told her that I can't get over how beautiful you are and how amazing you look tonight. She knows how I feel about you, just like Lisa and Jisoo do. I've kept it to myself but tonight I felt as though my heart was gonna explode out of my chest. Because every time you told me that I was beautiful and the way you looked at me... I felt like my heart was gonna burst out of my chest."

You were both silent for a moment before she shook her head with a chuckle.

"That's crazy... because the girls are the only ones that know how I feel about you."

You let out a shaky sigh and then smiled before you let the silence hit the air again.

"So..." You spoke a moment later. "What do we do now? I mean, where do we go from here?"

Jennie let go of your hands and watched your eyes go wide, as though you were afraid she was letting go after you just poured your heart out to her.

But before you could say another word, she crashed her lips onto yours. You were surprised at first but then it felt like fire was rushing through your veins and everything and everyone else faded away. It felt as though no one else in the world existed but the two of you.

You wanted to live in that moment forever. You've waited so long for this moment.

But then she pulled away and she gazed into your eyes and said something you've been waiting to hear for so long.

"Y/N...." She paused and took one of your hands into hers and finally, she was able to intertwine your fingers with hers. "I love you."

Your smile was bigger and brighter than she'd ever seen before and it made her feel so good that she was the reason as to why.

"I love you too, Jennie."

She pressed her lips back onto yours before pulling away with a chuckle.

"Can you say it again? I've been wanting to hear those words fall from your lips for a while now and I just wanna hear you say it again."

"I love you."

You didn't even hesitate to say it. It almost felt natural now. After waiting so long and finally saying those words to her face you almost couldn't stop repeating them.

"I love you too." She said then put her hands gently on your cheeks before kissing you again and again; just like she's been dreaming of doing.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now