you have hypersomnia (requested)

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You tried your hardest to hold back a yawn as the girls walked inside the house, instantly running to Jennie's side to give her the biggest hug they could. They carried gifts in their hands, ready to spoil the special birthday girl with lots of love and sweet presents.

You locked eyes with Jennie from across the room. She looked so happy and it melted your heart. She's been showered with so much love so far today that she felt her heart could just burst.

From sweet birthday wishes from fans to her family and friends and, of course, the time you spent together today just holding onto each other and doing whatever her heart desired. It's been absolutely perfect. You wish you could see her this happy every day.

You've been trying so hard to hide how tired you feel from her, but it's really starting to catch up to you now. Suffering from hypersomnia isn't easy and it only makes days like this so much harder.

You ran your fingers through your hair with a huff as your eyes began to get heavier. You took a few drinks of the glass of cold water on the table in front of you, hoping it'd help keep you refreshed and awake.

You got up and walked to the girls, quickly bringing them in for hugs they were more than happy to return.

"You look tired, y/n," Rosie pointed out to which you just nodded.

From the corner of your eye, you saw Jennie frowning. You knew she probably wasn't frowning over you being tired. She's so understanding of your condition.

But you refused to let it get the best of you today. You're determined to push through and make the remaining few hours left of your girlfriend's special day wonderful.

"Jennie wanted to wait for you to eat the cake I got for her. Are you about ready for that?"

"Yes!" Rosie said excitedly, following you into the kitchen to help light the candles.

Jennie bit her lip nervously as she watched you grab the knife that you'd use to cut the cake. You yawned again, clearly becoming even more exhausted. She worried you might end up accidentally hurting yourself.

"Lisa, could you cut the cake?" Jennie asked and watched you frown a little as Lisa nodded and made her way to you, taking the knife to cut the cake after Jennie would blow the candles out.

They began to sing happy birthday to the birthday girl. You sang along, although quietly. Jennie walked up behind you and hugged you close to her, pressing a couple of kisses to your shoulders. Jisoo took a few photos, capturing the sweet moment.

"Make a wish!" Rosie grinned and Jennie thought about it for a second before she closed her eyes and blew the candles out.

You yawned again, trying your very best to stay awake. But your eyes felt so heavy and you needed just a second of relief. So you went to the table and gently dropped your forehead on it before closing them.

However, you jumped when you felt a hand brush along your shoulder.

"Shh, it's just me, baby girl," Jennie whispered and kissed the back of your neck softly. "I know you're tired. Why don't you go up to bed?"

"No. I'm fine."

"You're exhausted, baby."

"I'm okay, Jen. I promise." You said and turned to gaze at her, trying to hide how crushed you felt as you stared into her eyes. But she could see how yours were becoming watery.

"Hey," she whispered softly and knelt on the floor in front of you, her hand brushing along your knee comfortingly.

"I'm sorry. I feel like such a lousy girlfriend. I hate my hypersomnia. It's your special day and I can barely keep my eyes open for it. I feel like I'm letting you down. I saw the way you frowned a few minutes ago..."

"No, baby, no. I wasn't frowning because I'm disappointed or you're letting me down. Just that you're obviously so tired and you keep pushing yourself to stay awake. It's unfair to you because I know you need some rest."

You hung your head with a shaky breath, only for her to cup your chin in her hand and gently lift it so your eyes would lock again.

"I love you more than anything. I love you despite your hypersomnia. I love you unconditionally." She promised, squeezing your knee gently. "You think you're ruining my birthday if you fall asleep, don't you?"

You nodded.

"You have made this the best birthday I have ever had, y/n. You spoiled me so much. We slept in a little, you bought me lunch from my favorite place in town, you bought me a necklace with our initials on it that I swear I am never taking off,"

You chuckled and watched her toy with the little heart that your initials were carved into on the necklace you had designed special for her.

"You bought me flowers, you cuddled with me and watched movies with me. It might be so simple to some, but there's nothing I want more than those moments with you. You could never ruin today, you could never let me down. You make every day so special. You have to stop beating yourself up for something you can't control. I get it, the girls get it. Don't feel bad for something that's out of your hands."

You sighed softly and smiled as she kissed your cheek.

"Stop being so hard on yourself."

"Okay." You promised and she gave you a kiss on the lips before she looked at the girls.

"Hey, girls? Let's go into the living room, maybe watch a movie?"

"Whatever you want, birthday girl!" Jisoo smiled and they took their plates into the living room as Jennie helped you stand up and entered the living room with you.

She sat down on the sofa first before she had you lay down and put your head down on her lap.

"Get some sleep. It's okay, I promise." She whispered and brushed her fingers through your hair as the girls turned on one of her favorite films.

She covered you with the blanket and stared down at you as you stopped fighting the sleepy feeling and caved into it, quickly drifting off to sleep.

"How's your birthday been, Jen?" Rosie whispered as she noticed you were sleeping, gazing at her best friend who was all smiles as she held you close and basked in the utter happiness she felt.

"The best one yet."

They grinned as she began to tell them all about it, noticing how half the conversation revolved around how wonderful you made it, as well as them.

She truly hadn't ever felt happier. She just hopes you'll be easier on yourself from this point on and let yourself get some good rest.

Because you made this day amazing, like you do every single day, and she swears that she only loves you more for that.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now