she won't take off your hoodie

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"Jennie!" You yelled as you continued to search throughout the bedroom and the closet for your hoodie. It was so strange that you couldn't seem to find it, considering that you just washed it earlier and it was right in the basket of clothes you still had to hang up.

"Darling? What is it?" Jennie asked as she ran the towel through her wet hair.

"Have you seen my hoodie? I can't find it anywhere. I could've sworn that I threw it in the wash this morning but I looked through the basket and even in the laundry room and the closet in case I dropped it on the floor or hung it up already. I've looked everywhere."

"You've looked everywhere?"

You could tell she was smirking as the words left her lips. You dropped the clothes in your hand back into the basket and felt your heart start to flutter as it all hit you.

"You stole it, didn't you?"

All you got in return was a little titter.

You knew she had it on, but you weren't prepared for the sight that awaited you. Your breath hitched and your heart was beating swiftly against your chest when you saw her. With her hair still damp and a little messy while she stood there in your hoodie, your favorite hoodie, you were mesmerized.

"You know I spent about ten minutes looking for this?" You asked as you looked longingly at her. You couldn't take your eyes off of her.

She sighed happily when you pulled her close. You put your arms around her back and she just buried her face in your neck. Eyelashes fluttering against your skin and warm breath tickling your skin. "Sorry. Guess I should've told you that I was borrowing it. It was just sitting right there in the basket and it's so cozy and it smells just like you."

You sank your teeth into your lip and chuckled as you ran your hand along her back. "You look super cute. I'm cold and I was gonna wear this, but since you're wearing it then what do you suggest I wear?"

She smiled and pulled away. Going to the closet, she grabbed one of her hoodies and tossed it at you. "There. Now we're both warm and cozy." She giggled as she smoothed your hair out when it was all a mess after pulling her hoodie over your head.

"You're lucky you're cute and that I love you so much, otherwise I'd want you to give me my hoodie back." You teased playfully.

Kissing you softly, she just hummed against your lips and put her hand on the small of your back. "Very lucky. Especially since I'm not giving it back." She said and though she was only joking, you would've been just fine with her keeping it for as long as she wanted to.

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