you fall asleep on her lap during a live stream

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A frown tugged at your lips when you walked through the front door. After your utterly terrible day, you'd hoped that you'd come home to find Jennie somewhere downstairs and that you could instantly be wrapped in her arms. In desperate need of her comforting embrace, you felt a little sad upon finding all the lights off downstairs.

You took off your shoes and pulled your phone out of your pocket. Your phone had been on do not disturb as you drove home, so you could stay focused on the road. You didn't get the notification of her going live until just now when you unlocked it.

You clicked on it, a smile tugging at your lips upon seeing her beautiful smile and hearing her voice. You recognized the background as the wall of your shared bedroom so you turned off your phone and ran up the stairs.

You stood in the doorway. You decided that, for a moment, you'd simply stand back and admire her. You loved how interactive she always is with the fans, answering every question she possibly can. She had that bright smile on display; the one that had yet to fade. She was giggly and her eyes were sparkling.

You wanted her to finish the live stream without any interruption. You planned on going across the hall to the guest room to relax and give her some peace and quiet to finish.

But the floor creaked when you moved, capturing her attention. Her head turned, her eyes locking with your own. She sent you a smile and you tried sending her one back, but it wasn't as convincing as you'd hoped, after your bad day and all.

She frowned and told the fans that she'd be back before getting up. She tiptoed to you, wordlessly bringing you into her warm and comforting embrace. You instantly held onto her as tight as she was holding onto you. It's what you've been in need of all day.

"Are you okay? You seem sad." She whispered as she pulled away from the hug so she could gently cup your cheeks. "Long day?"


She pulled you back into her arms. Your head fell to her chest, the beat of her heart bringing you an indescribable feeling of comfort.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Don't be silly, Jen." You said, shaking your head and brushing your fingers through the ends of her long locks. "You're live with your fans right now. Enjoy that special time with them. I'm just gonna go lay down across the hall, maybe get a little rest. You let me know when you're done."

"Oh, nonsense!" She whispered. "Come lay with me."

You wanted to interject, especially since you weren't comfortable with showing your face to the millions of fans watching you for a number of reasons. But especially because your relationship wasn't public. The only ones that knew were the girls and your family and hers.

But she was lacing your fingers together and tugging you over. She sat down first and pulled her phone back up, tilting it to where it showed her big smile and nothing else. You laid your head on her lap and while she held the phone in one hand, she brushed her fingers through your hair with the other.

She answered all the questions she could. Some making her laugh, some rather sensible and sweet.

It warmed your heart to know she was so happy. You let your eyes close soon after your head fell onto her lap because you didn't need to keep them open when you could tell just by the tone of her voice that she was oh so happy.

Your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks and you breathed out a small sigh of relief as sleep started to come over you.

It took Jennie a few minutes to notice you were asleep. She casually glanced down and could hardly look away, the sight too heartwarming to take her eyes off of for too long.

"One second," she mumbled to the fans watching, moving her phone a little so she could lean down and sneak a kiss to your head.

Her lips lingered momentarily, her heart beating fast in her chest when she saw the smile form on your lips at her sweet, soft kiss.

"I love you. Sweet dreams, my sweet, beautiful girl." She whispered softly and kissed your head once more before moving her phone back to face her and continue to finish the live she was doing with the intention of ending it soon to focus back on you.

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