the one that got away (requested)

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"I'm excited to meet Rosie's girlfriend! She's been oddly secretive about her." Lisa spoke as she sipped on her drink at the table in the restaurant, Jennie and Jisoo beside her.

Quiet music and their quiet chatter and, on occasion, happy giggles were really the only things you could hear in the restaurant.

That's where Rosé planned on bringing you, her girlfriend, along to meet the girls for the first time. Or, so Rose thought.

"I think it's kinda cute. She seems really serious about her." Jisoo commented and Jennie nodded her head, ready to speak about how happy she was that Rosé has found someone she obviously cares very deeply about. Only, the door opened and she lifted her head as soon as she heard two very familiar laughs.

"Oh! There they are now!" Lisa spoke with a smile, waving you and Rosé over.

Jennie dared to turn her head, heart pounding in her chest when she saw your face. It's been so long since she's last seen you, but oh, you still look so beautiful.

"Girls! This is my girlfriend,"

"Y/n," Jennie finished for Rosie, her words falling from her lips in awe.

"Yeah. You remembered her name!"

"Actually, I just remember her." Jennie clarified, making the three girls look at each other in confusion while you and Jennie kept a strong gaze. "When you said you were dating y/n, I didn't think you meant this y/n."

"Hey, Jen." You said, forcing a small, sad smile.

"What's going on? You're both acting strange." Jisoo spoke.

"You know each other?"

"Know?" Jennie chuckled, licking her dry lips before staring at her hands in her lap. "Y/n and I dated. Before we debuted. We called things off because I knew things were gonna become hectic and she has her own life and career and I wanted her to be happy with someone who could give her the things I knew I wouldn't be able to."

You swallowed thickly and dropped Rosé's hand. You looked Jennie in her eyes, seeing they looked as sad as the last day you saw each other.

"Well, guess that's one less person you've got to introduce her to." Lisa joked, but it didn't land as she hoped it would. The mood had changed. Everyone was unsure of what to say or what to do.

"Do you two need some time to talk?" Rosie offered, making your eyes go wide.

"No," Jennie said, letting out a shaky breath. "I actually feel like I can't really breathe right now so I think I'm gonna get some fresh air. I'll be back in a few. Don't wait for me." She said and quickly grabbed her things before bolting out the door.

"Mind if I go talk to her for a minute?" You asked Rosé, watching her just shake her head quickly.

You walked outside and saw her sitting on the ground against the wall. She was fidgeting with her fingers, trying to calm her racing mind.


She lifted her head at the sound of her voice but lowered it again when you sat beside her.

"Jennie, I don't really know what to say,"

"Don't worry about it." She said, swallowing thickly once more as she turned to look at you. "I get it." She stared at her painted nails, picking at the black polish on them. "You've moved on and I'm happy for you."

"No, you're not." You spoke softly and suddenly, she just seemed to break.

"Fine! You're right, okay? I'm not happy." She admitted and cleared her throat as the air seemed to disappear from her lungs as her heart started to shatter. "I hate myself for letting you go. I always have. I hated it from the moment I watched you walk away. You looked so sad and so... devastated. You used to run to me when you needed comfort when you felt that way and I was crushed that I couldn't do that for you anymore. Because I had to let you go because things were gonna change so much."

"And I wanted to stick by you through it all! Remember?"

She lowered her head again, nodding slowly.

"I've always wondered if you had found someone. If you were happier than you were with me. And now," she paused, sniffling and trying to blink away the tears stinging her eyes. "I know you are. With... my best friend."

You both stayed quiet for a moment. Both of your minds were racing, but you both felt so saddened and so awkward that you didn't know what to say.

"I'll be happy for you someday." She sniffled, eyes locking with yours as soon as you looked her way. "One day, when I can get used to seeing you happy with someone else. Just give me time."

"Jennie," you reached for her hand as she stood up. But she shook her head and pulled it away.

"I never wanted you to be the one that got away." She mumbled, biting her cheek. "But I'm happy you've found someone else. I'll see you soon, y/n. Tell Rosé that I'm sorry but I'll see her in a couple of days in practice."

And just like that, you watched her walk away from you yet again. You couldn't deny the sting of your tears and the ache in your heart. The way your mind screamed for you to go after her, to follow her and apologize profusely.

But you knew that you couldn't. It was time to let go.

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