secret's out (requested)

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"Can I ask you all a question? What's your favorite song from the album?"

The girls all looked at the men in front of them and then at each other, carefully thinking about the question as it's always a difficult one to answer.

Today, they're appearing on knowing bros, which is something they've been looking forward to since they found out they'd be appearing on the variety show recently.

The success of the album was immense and they were all amazed to see how loved all eight songs are by fans and the general public, too.

To answer which was their favorite wasn't an easy thing to do, since each song holds a special spot in their hearts.

"I'll start!" Lisa said as she raised her hand in the air. "I love pretty savage. It's such a fun, empowering song."

"Oh, good answer!" One of them spoke before they all turned their attention back to the other girls.

"I guess I'll say crazy over you," Jennie said.

"Really? Why is that one your favorite?"

"Well, I like the lyrics a lot, as well as the melody. Also, it's my girlfriend's favorite song and I guess that just makes it even more special for me."

Everyone froze as the words left Jennie's lips.

At the time, she hadn't even realized what she was saying.

But as she thinks back to her response to the question and looks at everyone's reactions to that one particular word, she began to panic a little.

She looked at the girls, hoping they could help her out of this hole she's dug herself into.

But, as supportive as they all are about your relationship, they were also taken aback because they hadn't expected her to announce your relationship anytime soon, especially not like that.

"Girlfriend? Did you just say girlfriend? You have a girlfriend?"

Jennie parted her lips to speak but nothing came out except a sharp breath as she bit her lip, worrying about what she should say and do in response to this.

There was no way out of this. She couldn't think of anything. In fact, she feared that if she tried to take it back, people would become even more invasive in her private life and try to find out who you are, which would only make things worse.

"I do." She confessed and stared at her lap, trying to think of what to say, her mind running wild. "We've been together for a year now. She's amazing."

You are amazing; so amazing.

Jennie is so in love with you that she, for so long now, has wanted to shout it from the rooftops.

She's not ashamed whatsoever, it's not that holding her back from saying more.

It's trying to think of what she can say and what she shouldn't say to keep you safe while also telling the world about your love.

"They're very in love with each other. It's so cute and sweet that it makes me want to cry." Rosie joked.

"That's cute!" One of the guys said, everyone in the room now looking excited to hear about something they had a huge scoop on.

"You all get along with her?" One of them asked.

"Yes, absolutely! We adore y/n, she's like our best friend. We can always count on her and she knows she can always count on us. We hang out all of the time and we can trust her with our lives, just as she can trust us the same. We love her." Lisa smiled.

"I hope to find someone like y/n someday. I want a love like her and Jennie have." Jisoo giggled as she squeezed Jennie tightly, so happy that her best friends now no longer had to hide their love for each other.

"So, is she the one, then?"

Everyone looked at Jennie, watching as she nodded her head.

"Yeah. One hundred percent. I love her more than anything." Jennie said as her heart fluttered in her chest as she thought about how much she loves you and how she can tell the world about that now.

"Well, this album must be extra special to you then. It's your first full album and you get to live every second of this adventure with your girlfriend, who seems so lovely!"

"It truly is. I'm so happy. I don't think I've ever been happier." Jennie grinned. "I don't care what anyone says about me or our relationship. I love her and that's never going to change."

The girls all cooed over her words, giving her a big hug.

"Hopefully we get to meet her soon!"

"Maybe." Jennie giggled and looked at the girls, laying her head on Jisoo's shoulder, all of them so happy for you and Jennie, now that you can show your love off to the world.

She didn't expect this variety show to go like this but she wasn't complaining.

No matter what happens after this ends, she has you, and that's all she cares about.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now