ruined make-out sessions (requested)

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You jumped when you placed your toothbrush back in the holder and looked into the mirror, only to find Jennie standing there behind you. She giggled as she put her arms around you, pulling your back against her chest before she laid her chin on your shoulder.

"You scared me."

Your eyes locked in the mirror and she pouted sadly.

"Sorry. I just couldn't stand being away from you for another minute."

You turned around and looped your arms around her neck to pull her closer if that was even possible now.

"It's been two months since I last saw you. Two months without your arms around me, without being able to kiss you." She whispered the last part against your lips as she leaned in to steal another lingering kiss from your lips. "I love being on tour. Don't get me wrong. You know how much I love it. But it's not easy being so far away from my girl."

You hooked your fingers under her chin, already craving the taste of her lips again. She breathed out a soft sigh as she gently laid her hand on your cheek, wanting to feel your soft and warm skin against her fingertips.

"I've missed you too, Jen. So much."

You quickly melted into her kisses and her touch as she let her hands roam along your body. She suddenly started to walk backward until she led you out of the bathroom and into the hotel room where you fell onto the mattress, fingers intertwined.

She pulled away to stare at you adoringly for a moment. You were wearing her shirt. It was nothing new. You find yourself stealing them all the time.

She even left her favorites behind for you, spraying her perfume on the fabric to let her smell linger until the day you reunited; which came much sooner than she expected, thanks to your wonderful surprise visit today.

She dropped her forehead onto yours and pecked your lips as she kept her eyes locked with yours.

You looked pulchritudinous, just laying there all smiles while you stared at her endearingly and eagerly awaited the next brush of her lips on your own.

"I'm so happy you're here." She whispered before trailing kisses to your neck.

"Me too, Jennie. I missed you lots." You mumbled as you tilted your head back and closed your eyes to let more of your skin be kissed lovingly by the sweet brush of her lips.

She put her fingers under your chin a moment later because as much as she loves kissing your neck and hearing those sighs fall from your lips, she loves the taste of your lips and the way they move against her own.

She deepened the kiss and brushed her fingers along your skin. You jumped when she lifted up her shirt you had on and her warm fingers fell to your skin.

But her touch was so calming, so doting, and after two long months without feeling her passionate touch, you basked in every second of her concupiscent caresses.

You held her close, so close that you could feel every swift beat of her heart against your own. You couldn't help the soft sigh that fell from your lips as she pulled away from your lips once more to kiss and gently bite at your skin.

She's missed you an inexpressable amount and she planned on showing you just how much; by loving on you and holding you as tight as she could.

But just as her lips brushed against that one special spot on your neck, the door of the hotel room was opening and you both jumped in shock.

Lisa stood wide-eyed, looking just as shocked as you and Jennie.

Jennie cleared her throat awkwardly while you buried your face in her neck. Your cheeks were redder than ever before and Jennie would usually tease you for that, but her ears were just as red.

"Lisa? What's up?"

"Uh," Lisa mumbled and shook her head, trying to think of why she walked into the room in the first place.

"You didn't knock?" Jennie wondered.

"No, I did. And Jisoo and Rosie called before that. But neither of you answered and now we know why." She tried to crack a joke, but you were all too shocked and too awkward to laugh.

"Jisoo wanted to know if you wanted to go out? Y/n's here, it's her first night, and we thought we'd do something fun to celebrate but... I think you found other ways to celebrate."

You whined in embarrassment and Jennie shook her head.

"We'll be down in a few minutes."

Lisa never left a room so fast before, simply nodding and slamming the hotel door behind her.

You and Jennie stared at each other for a moment before she climbed off of you.

"Well... the next week should be fun. Having to look Lisa in the eyes after that."

Jennie chuckled and reached for your hand.

"Yeah. But I'll take the teasing. At least I've got you here and that's all that matters to me."

You laid your head on her shoulder and she kissed your head lingeringly.

"I feel the same way, Jen."

She turned your cheek and leaned in for another kiss. But you pulled away quickly, taking her by the hand and leading her to the bathroom.

"Come on, we gotta get ready. The girls are waiting for us."

She whined as you dragged her into the bathroom to get ready, already craving your kisses again.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now