if you're happy, we're happy (requested)

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The tug at your hand made you turn away from the conversation you were currently in the middle of with Lisa. You recognized the soft warm hand trying to wrap around your own, but also resisting the urge to do so, in order for the girls to continue to not catch on.

"Hey," Jennie smiled as you turned to look at her. "I want to talk to you about something. Can I steal you away from Lili for a moment?"

"Of course," you spoke in a friendly matter, meanwhile your heart was beginning to hammer as you walked down the hall to one of the spare and empty rooms of her house. It's the first time she's stealing you away today.

You could tell when you arrived in your little black dress that you were driving her wild. She's been stealing caresses and peppering a kiss to your neck and collarbone when the girls weren't looking your way.

But now, she can't stand not having you to herself for a few minutes and any excuse she has to give the girls to have you alone for a few minutes, she'd do.

She closed the door and right away, she was picking you up and carrying you to the bed. Your back fell against it and she hovered over you, her hand cupping your face.

"So what'd you want to talk about?" You asked with a smirk on your lips, watching as she shook her head before leaning down to peck your lips.

"Absolutely nothing, y/n," she whispered. "I just needed a moment with you. A moment to remind you how insanely beautiful you are." She whispered against your lips before trailing kisses to your jaw.

You tried not to let your mind drift away. After all, the girls are just down the hall and Jennie told them you'd only be a minute.

But it was impossible trying to not melt into her kisses and caresses. You've been craving the taste of her lips and the feeling of them traveling ever so softly against your skin. You melted into them, into her, and you couldn't stop yourself even if you tried.

"I've been dying to tell you how exquisite you look today all day, since the moment you arrived a couple of hours ago. But I didn't want the girls to hear."

You just sighed and tilted your head back more, allowing her more skin to kiss.

You've been dating in secret for the last four months. You've been good friends for the last six or seven, but it took a little while for both of you to confess your feelings and then officially become a couple.

Jennie is so open with the girls. They're like her sisters. She was dying to tell them, but she hasn't yet because she's not open with them right now to give you both more privacy.

"They're gonna find out one day." You mumbled.

"But not right now." She said in response, more kisses on your collarbones and neck following her words. "I just want you all to myself right now. I like our privacy, our secret moments." She mumbled as she kissed up your neck and to your lips.

You didn't get the chance to reply, because her lips were on yours before you even got the chance.

You looped your arms around her neck and you pushed her closer if that was even possible now. Her chest was against yours, her fingertips roaming along your thighs and your hips as she kissed you with more passion than ever before.

You went to roll her over, wanting so badly to lay kisses along her soft skin like she did to you. She always makes you feel so loved, so good about yourself, so beautiful with every kiss and caress. You only want her to feel the same. She deserves it.

But before you got the chance, the bedroom door was being swung open and Rosie was stepping inside.

"It's been one long minute since you came back and oh!" She gasped, covering her eyes as she realized what was happening.

"Rosé!" Jennie squealed in shock.

"Well, that explains why you're taking your time in here," she tried to joke and then walk away, only to bump into the wall.

The girls followed the sound of the thud and appeared in the doorway, their eyes as wide as yours and Jennie's.

She was still hovering over you, clothed chest to clothed chest, heart beating against yours. You looked at each other with wide eyes and she sat down hurriedly beside you. But it was much too late to even attempt to play innocent or excuse this off somehow. You've been caught.

"How long has this been going on?" Lisa asked and Jennie quickly responded as she reached over to take your hand into hers.

"Four months... almost five now, actually."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jisoo asked and you both just shrugged.

"I guess we've just been enjoying being private. She's such good friends with you all now and I didn't know how you'd all react." Jennie explained, nervously fidgeting with her fingers.

"Jen, y/n," Rosie said, her voice soft, like the smile on her face. "If you're happy, we're happy. All that matters to us is you both being happy. Jen, you've been through so much. You deserve someone like
y/n. You deserve to fall in love. As long as the person you fall in love with is as amazing as you,"

"Which y/n is," Jisoo interrupted and Lisa and Rose both nodded in agreement.

"As long as they make you happy, we're happy for you. That's all we ever want."

You crawled into Jennie's arms and Jisoo cooed at the sight.

"I kinda figured something would happen between the both of you though," Lisa spoke, making the girls furrow their eyebrows. "What?" Lisa giggled, raising her hands defensively. "Have you seen the way Jennie looks at her? She's in love with y/n. She's happier than she's ever been. I've seen those glances and that look in your eyes, Jen. I knew it was just a matter of time."

You kissed Jennie's shoulder with a giggle, your heart fluttering over how happy everyone was at that moment.

"We're so happy for you!" Jisoo squealed excitedly before you were brought into hugs by the girls.

You gazed at Jennie, finding your girlfriend smiling from ear to ear as she hugged her best friends so closely.

She's so precious and sweet.

She's all yours.

You knew right then and there that you were falling in love with her, too, and you knew that you've never been so happy in all of your life.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now