when she runs into you and finds out that you have a baby (requested)

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Jennie laughed joyfully as she and Lisa walked through the city of Seoul together, enjoying the beautiful weather and the conversation they were sharing as Jisoo and Rosie followed behind them.

After a few busy weeks, they finally get to hang out outside of the studio or dance practice and it felt refreshing.

The day is so perfect; the sun is shining so bright and the breeze blowing feels good on Jennie's shoulders as she walked and enjoyed some time out with her best friends.

"We should go get some food. I'm hungry." Rosé said and Lisa giggled in response, knowing that she'd say that eventually.

The restaurant that they all love is just a few blocks away and so, they started to head in the direction of that.

Slowing down a little as they noticed the crosswalk light they were about to encounter signaled to stop, their feet began to slow down on the ground.

Jisoo was quiet, just listening to the girls joke and talk as she smiled along.

But she saw something the other girls didn't notice as they came closer to the light.

She could've sworn that she saw your face and as she pretended to cough, it caught your attention and you looked over at her, confirming her thoughts.

When your eyes met Jisoo's, yours went wide and you quickly looked away.

But Jisoo didn't.

She excitedly tapped on Jennie's shoulder, catching her attention.

"That's Y/N, it's Y/N!" She told Jennie.

Jennie quickly looked at you, gasping when she saw you stand right in front of them as the girls came to a stop.

"Y/N? Is that really you?" Jennie asked as her heart pounded against her chest.

You tried not to look back at her but when Jisoo spoke up next, you gave in and looked back at Jennie, right into her eyes, for the first time in years.

"Y/N, come on, I know it's you. Jennie doesn't believe me." Jisoo sighed and Jennie's breath hitched when she saw your face.

You hadn't felt more relieved in your life than you did when the light changed colors.

You made your way across the street as the cars all stopped and Jennie raced after you.

"Y/N! Wait up!" She yelled as she hurried behind you and the girls did the same.

You tried to walk fast but she caught up to you and she gently grabbed your wrist, spinning you around.

"Hey," She smiled brightly at you.

It was a smile that always melted your heart, even now.

But you watched it fall as she looked down at your chest because she now noticed something she hadn't before.

You had a baby against your chest, secure as they slept in the carrier strapped to your body.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea that you were babysitting." She said.

"I'm not." You spoke as you looked at the baby and then back at Jennie. "It's my baby."

Jennie's heart dropped a little as the words started to sink in.

"Your baby?" She asked in shock. "You have a baby? Since when?"

"Yeah. She's my little girl. She's five weeks old."

Jennie couldn't believe it.

Sure, you have been broken up for a few years now, but she didn't think she'd ever run into you with a baby in your arms, a baby that was all yours.

It was a lot to take in.

The girls stood behind Jennie, also looking completely shocked by the news.

"Oh," Jennie said as a lump appeared in her throat.

She tried to hold back her true feelings of heartache and sadness and put on a brave face to seem as supportive as possible.

"That's... fantastic." She said as she forced a smile. "Where's your current partner?"

"I don't know." You confessed. "They packed up and left a couple of weeks ago. It's just us now."

That shattered Jennie's heart even more.

Peeking around, she took a glimpse at your little girl who slept on your chest.

She looked just like you.

There was no resemblance of your ex, it was all you.

"She's adorable," Jennie said.

"Thanks," You quietly spoke.

You gazed at each other, locking eyes for the first time in forever.

Those old feelings you had for each other were still there, even after all this time and all of these changes.

"I've been hoping to see you." She said. "I've missed you."

Your breath hitched in your throat.

You didn't know how to reply even though you felt the same.

"I've missed you too." You nervously confessed.

She was about to ask you if you could catch up soon but as your little girl began to fuss, you started to get ready to walk away.

"I can't do this." You sighed. "I already lost my last partner and I've lost you before too. I can't afford to get attached and feel things for you again when you'll just walk away again."

"What?" Jennie frowned. "Y/N, I wouldn't-"

"I need to go. I have to get home. Nice seeing you."

You hurried off, holding onto your baby and holding back the tears in your eyes.

"Are you okay?" Rosie asked as she came over to Jennie, gently laying her hand on her shoulder.

Jennie felt so many different emotions coming on.

So many things had just happened and it was all such a shock that she felt a little overwhelmed.

"She's a mom now." She whispered. "She's moved on."

"Jennie, she may have moved on but she still feels the same. That much is obvious. I saw it in her eyes." Jisoo said.

"And you heard her - she's not with her ex anymore. Don't give up on at least trying to be her friend." Lisa said.

Jennie sat on a bench, knees weak beneath her.

She didn't know what to say or do.

She hadn't moved on.

After all this time, even though you broke up three years ago, she never got over you.

She broke up with you because of her schedules and the hectic lifestyle she was still adjusting to at the time.

And she's lived in regret over it every day since then.

Lowering her head, she realized just how much things had changed.

You've got a life of your own now, a little girl to love and care for.

She could try to be friends with you someday but for now, she doesn't know if she can.

Because she's still in love with you and being a friend to you and your child seems impossible to do when she still wishes that she was the mother of that little girl and yours forever.

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