meeting your homophobic parents (requested)

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"It's such a beautiful day," Jennie said as you took a seat on the bench in the park.

You put your head on her chest and munched on the cold treat that Jennie got for the both of you from the cute little cart during your walk through the park.

She wasn't wrong. It was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect; warm without being too hot. The sun was out, the branches on the trees would occasionally sway, moving the leaves and creating a slight breeze, but nothing too bad.

But what made it even more beautiful was your girlfriend right by your side, making everything seem a little brighter than it already was.

"It's perfect." You said and turned your cheek to steal a kiss from her lips.

You didn't ever want to pull away. On her day off, you wanted nothing more than to be with her every minute of the day and steal some kisses from her sweet lips.

But the perfect moment was ruined by something that would surely put a damper on your day. The sound of your father's voice.


You pulled away from Jennie's lips slowly and you went wide-eyed when you saw your parents standing in front of you for the first time in years.

"Dad. Mom." You spoke bitterly and Jennie's eyes went huge as the words left your lips. "What are you even doing here?"

"We're taking a walk! It's a lovely day... isn't it?"

"It was... until you came along." You grumbled and Jennie couldn't help but snicker. She could feel your parents glaring at her as she turned to look at the people passing by and away from them as she fought back a laugh.

You squeezed Jennie's hand hard, making a show of affection in front of your parents. You know they're not supportive of you and your sexuality. It's why you cut them out of your life when you became a legal adult and moved away.

You changed your numbers, your social media accounts, and even blocked them in every way you could. You weren't gonna let them have control of your life anymore or judge you for being the way you are.

And they haven't changed. You could tell as soon as you brought your girlfriend's knuckles to your lips to pepper kisses across them, staring them right in the eyes as you did so.

"Still haven't changed, huh?' Your mother asked, staring your girlfriend down. "Still going through that phase of yours?"

She looked almost disgusted as she looked between you and Jennie. The sight of your affection making her blood boil.

"It's not a 'phase'! I told you that when I came out to you. It's who I am, and who I'll always be." You spoke in frustration and Jennie squeezed your hand to try to soothe you and remind you that she was right by your side.

"That's your girlfriend, right? Jennie? We've heard about her." Your father asked as he gazed at Jennie, who just squeezed your hand comfortingly.

"Yeah. She's really amazing."

"I still don't get it. I don't get why you're like this."

"Because it's who I am. I've already told you that a thousand times before." You spoke confidently. "And you can stop glaring at my girlfriend. She's not intimidated by you. I've told her about you already. Why I don't want anything to do with you. She's not like my other girlfriend's in the past. You can't shake her."

They both scoffed and shook their heads.

"We're so disappointed in you, y/n."

"I really don't think she cares," Jennie spoke up as she grew tired of being quiet while your parents tried to make you feel bad about yourself.

Your father folded his arms over his chest and clicked his tongue.

"We only care about you, y/n. We tried telling you that you shouldn't live your life like this. It's not... natural." He said to which you just rolled your eyes.

"You don't care about me. You never have and you never will. I learned that a long time ago. But the difference between then and now is that I couldn't care less about why. I don't care what you think of me. I have people in my life now that love me for who I am. I have friends, Jennie's family, the girls, and Jennie,"

You paused and looked over at her and she sent you a sweet smile.

"I have all I need. I don't need you and I don't want you in my life. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have better things to do than sit here and talk to you two."

You sent them a big smile and stood up. You reached for Jennie's hand and she happily accepted it. You waved goodbye to your parents and walked away with Jennie, only to stop when you heard,

"We're so ashamed of you, y/n. We're disgusted by you." Your father spoke, fuming with anger and shame.

Jennie turned around, jaw clenched as she looked between you and your parents.

"Yeah? Don't worry, she feels the same way about you."

"You'll need us sooner or later!" Your mother added and you shook your head, feeling more confident than you ever felt before.

"No, I won't. I've got everything I'll ever need right here." You said, staring at Jennie before stealing a kiss from her lips, making your parents gasp while Jennie just giggled happily. "Goodbye!"

You walked away with Jennie's arms around your waist, holding you close as you carried on with your day, refusing to let them ruin it.

"Thank you for everything, Jen."

"Anything for my girl." She smiled at you before leaning down to steal another kiss from your lips. "Now, how about we go watch some movies at home? I wanna give you lots of love and cuddles."

"Sounds perfect, Jennie." You said and when you leaned your head on her shoulder and walked to the car, you were left feeling happier and more satisfied than ever before.

You don't need your homophobic parents in your life. You've got all you need with Jennie by your side, forever and always.

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