I care about you (requested)

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Jennie couldn't help but let out another heavy sigh as she returned to the bedroom.

You were laying on your stomach on the bed with your laptop in front of you, your phone unlocked and in front of you as well, and several papers and notebooks spread out across the bed.

There wasn't even enough space for Jennie to sit down.

But right now, that's the very least of her concerns.

Her biggest concern at the time being is how little sleep you've gotten these last few days, as well as how little you've eaten.

Your finals for your university are coming up and you're pushing yourself harder than Jennie has ever seen you push yourself before.

It's extremely worrying for her, especially when you always worry for her when she pushes herself too far.

"Babe," she said as she walked to the bed, placing her hand on your shoulder. "You need to take a break."

"Not now, Jennie. I'm busy."

"Y/N, you're pushing yourself too hard. You have to take a few minutes and get something to eat. I'll even make you some food! I'll make your favorite."

You looked at her and her sweet gummy smile appeared as she felt hopeful that you'll give in and let her care for you while you take a few minutes to breathe.

"What do you not understand? I'm busy, Jennie!" You loudly said in frustration.

Immediately, that smile on her face faded and her heart started to hammer against her chest in sadness.

"I know you're busy, y/n. But you're not taking care of yourself. I love you and I care about you. I need you to take a few minutes and eat and take a little time for yourself."

"I can't! Why don't you get that? Why won't you stop bugging me? You're getting on my nerves!"

"Y/N, don't speak to me that way." She spoke sadly. "That's not fair. I'm not trying to annoy you. I'm trying to help you."

"But you're not helping me, so go away! You're bothering me and you're being annoying so just leave me alone and let me focus!"

Jennie knows you're stressed and under a lot of pressure but it still hurt to hear you talk to her that way.

"Fine." She said before storming out of the room and back into the guest room.

She purposely slammed the door as hard and as loud as she could before she turned the lock and sat on the bed, crying a little from the sadness and hurt she felt.

She waited a few hours before she even moved.

She passed the time by sleeping a little and scrolling through her phone as well.

But the sun went down and it got late. Before she knew it, midnight had come around and she began to grow worried again.

She knew you needed some sleep and despite the way you'd spoken to her earlier, she still felt the need to make sure that you were doing okay.

So she got up and unlocked the door before going back to your shared bedroom.

"Y/N?" She softly spoke as she passed across the floor to you.

There was a lot less stuff on the bed now. Your phone was on the charger, set on the nightstand. Your laptop was on the desk across the room. Papers were still spread out on the bed but not as many as before and you were sitting up now, writing something down.

"Baby? Are you doing alright?" She asked and gently laid her hand on your shoulder again. "How are you?"

"Fine." You said, not looking away from what you were doing.

"You should get some rest."

"Later." You said.

"Okay." She sighed before she sat down on the bed. "I've had enough of you pushing yourself this far. I'm staying with you. You will sleep sometime tonight."

You rolled your eyes and she rolled hers in response.

She put her head on your lap and closed her eyes.

"Jennie, what are you doing?"

You seemed annoyed but she didn't care.

She didn't move and she had no plan on doing so, no matter what.

"I miss you and I love you so I'm laying here with you. If you don't like it then too bad."

You shook your head and continued with what you were doing.

But as some time passed, you realized just how awful and drained you felt and you knew you had to get a little sleep.

So you put everything aside and then looked down at your lap and that's when you realized that Jennie had fallen fast asleep on your lap.

She was hugging you, her arms wrapped around you to hold you closer than you've allowed her to in days.

You couldn't believe how you'd spoken to her earlier. You know she cares and she loves you and only wants you to be safe.

She's been so understanding and supportive of you when it comes to your university studies, especially with your finals.

To treat her the way you did earlier broke your heart.

You felt immense guilt and almost felt like crying from how awful you felt that you snapped at the girl that you love more than anything.

"I'm sorry." You said as you brushed your fingers through her hair. "I can't believe I said those things. I can't believe I screamed at you. You're only trying to help me and care for me because I've been doing a lousy job at that lately."

You closed your eyes with a tired sigh.

"I'm exhausted but I know you know that. I push myself so hard and I can't stop myself. I know I always look after you when you're stressed and tired and you were only trying to do the same for me. I was so mean and unappreciative and I'm so sorry. I don't know if you can ever forgive me for that."

"Are you silly? Of course I can." She said.

You jumped because you thought she'd been asleep.

"I thought you were sleeping."

"Nope. I was pretending." She said. "Babe, I know you didn't mean to. It did hurt my feelings though, I won't lie."

"I'm so sorry."

"I know you are." She said. "You've been worrying me lately. I love you and when I'm in a position like this, you always do your best to care for me and make me feel better. I only wanted to do the same for you."

"I love you too, Jennie. I know I need to rest and eat and take care of myself. I'm just so afraid I'm going to do terribly that I'm doing everything I can to make sure I don't. But... I'm so tired."

"I know, my love." She said as she rubbed your arms. "Will you please get some sleep? Then, in the morning, I'll make you breakfast."

"Okay. That sounds so nice."

She smiled at you and then kissed your lips lovingly.

"You're not going to do badly, babe. You're so smart. I believe in you. Please believe in yourself, too. Please take it easier. For me."

"Thank you. I needed to hear that. And I promise I won't push myself this hard ever again."

"Good. I won't let you."

You smiled a little before sharing one more kiss.

"Let's get some sleep."

She helped you put everything away and then turned off the lights before laying down in bed and pulling you into her arms so you could cuddle.

"I love you lots, Jennie."

"I love you more, y/n. Get some rest. I'm right here."

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now