you want her attention

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Jennie hummed to herself, mumbling along to lyrics she was reading over.

She's got a lot on her plate. Even though she's got a few days off, she still has important things to do. You know she's busy and you'd never wanna get in the way, but you're not feeling the best today and all you really want is her attention.

"Jennie?" You pulled at the sleeve of her sweater. She made a small noise, signaling she heard you, but she didn't shift her focus from the music. "Are you almost done?"

"No. I still have quite a bit of stuff left to do." She said and you felt your heart drop a bit. "Can you maybe take a break then?" You whined, making your girlfriend chuckle. She put her pen down and finally turned her head.

She knows you're not really feeling very well today but she still found it sweet that all you really seemed to want is her.

She could see the sweat forming on your skin. She stroked your cheek. "Is there something you need?" You threw your head back with a groan. "Yes. I want your attention. I want you to cuddle me and spend some time with me. I don't feel good and all I want is you."

Jennie's amused smile fell. She could see the discomfort in your eyes and she nodded. "Okay. Just let me finish this, I'll be maybe five minutes. Then I'm all yours. Sound good?"

You pouted and threw yourself back onto the bed. "Fine."

Jennie returned to her work. She tried her best not to laugh as you continued to pull ay her sweater, hoping you could get her to just fall back onto the bed with you. She had to fight numerous times to hold back the smile on her face. She rushed through what she had to do because just as badly as you wanted to spend time with her, she wanted to spend time with you too.

She put the cap back on her pen and put the notebook onto the table before looking back at you with a smirk. "I'm all yours now."

You wrapped one of your arms around her back and pulled her down next to you, laughing lightly at the squeal that fell from her lips.

She made herself comfortable before opening her arms up for you. You happily moved into them, sighing contently when they wrapped around you. "Better?"


She knew what else you wanted. She reached over for the remote and put it in your hands. While you loaded up whatever it was that you wanted to watch with her, she grabbed the blanket from the foot of the bed. She draped it over you both but made sure you had the majority of it since you were under the weather and colder than she was.

You laid your head against her shoulder. She could feel the warmth of your skin against hers. She pressed the back of her hand against your forehead, feeling that you were feverish. "You really are sick, aren't you, baby?"

You nodded weakly.

"Okay. Well you've got my attention now. I'm here for you and I'll get you whatever it is that you need." She kissed your cheek softly and moved her hands through your hair. "Okay." You mumbled, feeling a little better when she was holding you so close.

"I love you." She whispered and then laid her head down on yours, both of you watching the sitcom you turned on until you fell asleep just a little while later. You felt thankful that you had her attention now and that you had her there to take care of you until you felt better.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now