crack my back prank (requested)

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"Are you coming back, baby?" Jennie yelled from the living room as she impatiently waited for you to return to her side.

Deciding to have a lazy day together today, takeout sounded like the perfect meal for dinner.

Using your lack of napkins as an excuse for what you really had up your sleeve, you went into the kitchen to grab them while you also grabbed something else, something very important that you'd need to pull this prank on your girlfriend off.

"Yeah, I'll be there in just a second!" You yelled back as you put a couple pieces from the box of uncooked pasta into your mouth before going back into the living room.

But as you returned from the kitchen, to make your pain seem realistic, you kept your hand on your back and took slow and small steps.

"Baby? Everything alright?" Jennie asked as she noticed you walking slowly and letting out groans with every step that you took.

"My back hurts so badly." You groaned.

"Oh, my love, I'm sorry. What can I do to help?" She asked as she put her food down and stood to make her way over to you. "Need me to carry you up to bed?" She joked.

"No." You chuckled. "I'm just sore."

"How about a heating pad? Or some medicine?"

"Actually, there's something else that you can do that always brings me some relief."

"Oh, okay. What is it? I'll do whatever it is if it's going to make you feel better." She smiled.

"Can you crack my back?"

Her smile faded a little.

She seemed a little nervous about the idea.

"I don't know, my love. What if I hurt you somehow?"

"You won't hurt me. Trust me, this is going to help me a lot." You assured and she debated in her mind about it for a moment before agreeing.

"Okay. If you're sure. But if I do hurt you, let me know right away."

"I promise I will." You said and put your arms around her as she put hers around your waist, her hands falling to your back.


You nodded and she gave you a little squeeze, making your back crack.

But it wasn't a good crack.

To Jennie, it was a horrible sound. It was one that told her right away that something wasn't right. It was loud and it sounded so painful, which instantly brought her a rush of anxiety.

"Ow, Jennie," you groaned.

"I hurt you? Oh, no. What happened?"

She kept ahold of you but her grip was very loose.

Her hands were shaking and so was her voice as she spoke.

"That didn't sound good. I need to get you help. What if I hurt you? Did major damage somehow? I have to call for help!"

She was panicking and the thought of her calling for an ambulance when you weren't actually hurt, as well as the fact that you were causing her so much anxiety, made your heart sink.

"No, Jen, don't!"

"But you need help! You're hurt!"

You shook your head at her.

"I'm not hurt. I'm fine." You said as you pulled away. "I was just pranking you."

"y/n," she groaned. "That's not funny! You scared me!"

You giggled as you put your arms around her.

"I'm sorry."

"I hate your stupid pranks." She grumbled. "I thought I actually hurt you."

"Nope. I'm not hurt at all."

She pulled away, pouting her lips in sadness.

"That wasn't cool."

"I'm sorry." You said as you pecked her lips a few times until you made her smile. "I love you so much."

"Yeah, whatever." She grumbled as she sat back down on the sofa and continued to eat her food.

But as you sat back down and curled back up to her to eat some more of your food, she found that she wasn't upset at all and she just pulled you closer, wanting to enjoy every moment with you by her side despite the heart attack you almost caused her.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now