surprising her on tour

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You excitedly paced around the girls' dressing room. Even backstage, you could hear them sing 'as if it's your last' word for word, which also means it's the last song of the night. You've been pacing around the room for the last ten minutes. You arrived late at the venue since your flight had been delayed, but you made it here and that was what was most important to you.

You're so excited to finally see Jennie again. It's been over a month since you last saw her. You thought you'd be able to make it through the four months she'd be away, but it was proving to be nearly impossible with every passing day.

The days just dragged on without her there. The bed that was too big for only you felt cold and empty. You didn't get to talk to Jennie much because she was so busy, but she always made time to talk to you at least once throughout the day, even if it was only for a few minutes.

It became blatantly obvious that there was only one thing left for you to do. It hit you after you finished your usual FaceTime late last night; you had to see her. You bought a plane ticket and made your way here as fast as you could. You'd hoped to catch part of the show, front and center, but it didn't work out that way.

You stopped pacing when you heard the loud screams of the fans start up once again. The music had finished playing which meant that they'd be making their way backstage at any moment.

And that moment came quite fast.

It was just a couple of minutes later when you heard the cheers come from the crew. You could hear Jisoo and Rosé. They appeared in the doorway just a few seconds later.

They gasped excitedly when they saw you standing there. Lisa walked in soon after they did, but Jennie had fallen behind a little. "Jennie! Come here!"

You heard your girlfriend groan. "I can't seem to get a strong enough signal. I need to call y/n!" She yelled back. Her voice was getting louder and clearer; she was getting closer. "I don't think you need to do that," Jisoo said and Jennie was about to ask why but she was left speechless when she saw you in the dressing room.


She was in shock. Never would've she expected to see you standing there tonight.


She dropped her phone on the couch and ran to you. It felt so good to be back in your arms, to be able to hold you close again.

"You're really here. I missed you." She mumbled as she lifted her head from where it had previously laid on your shoulder. Tears were welling up in her beautiful brown eyes; the stress and anxiety she's been feeling for the last few weeks, the worries she's had about you being home all alone, faded away just like that as she laid her palm on your cheek.

"I'm here, Jennie. I'm right here."

She kissed you suddenly and all you could do was smile against her lips. It was heaven; the taste of her lips on yours that you've been craving since the day she left.

"I wanted to be here sooner but my flight got delayed. I wanted to surprise you back here before you went on stage and I wanted to catch more of the show but-"

"But nothing, y/n. You're here. There'll be many more shows that you can catch over the next..." she trailed off, realizing that she didn't know just how long she'd have you by her side for.

"Two weeks."

"Two weeks," she repeated with a grin. "We've been apart for so long and I honestly didn't think I'd see you till the tour was over, so you being here right now is all that I care about."

Your forehead fell to her. You were mesmerized by her deep, beautiful eyes that you could spend the entire day just staring into. They were soft, filled with a gaze that sent butterflies through your stomach.

"We might be thousands of miles away from home while on this tour, but with you here, I feel like I'm home again."

You pecked her lips softly.

"I love you to the moon and back, y/n."

"Love you too, Jennie."

And with that, your lips were back on hers for just a few of the many kisses you'd share over the next couple of weeks.

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