bruises (requested)

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You stepped out of the shower with your towel tightly wrapped around your body.

Drops of water rolled down your skin and onto the mat beneath your feet.

Staring at yourself in the mirror, you couldn't believe what you were seeing.

For the last few weeks, you've been dealing with bullying from some cruel people at your university.

You never would've imagined that there of all places is where you'd receive the most torment from people, thinking that since they're all grown adults like you, they'd never be so unreasonable.

But, here you are now, for the fifth week in a row, looking at your reflection to see the bruises across your body.

You had a black eye and some bruises across your arms and your back from being shoved and kicked.

It was hard to look at, so you haven't been looking into many mirrors lately, not wanting to see just how badly you've been bruised by the constant bullying.

You blinked away your tears before opening up the drawer, trying to find your makeup to cover the bruises so Jennie wouldn't see.

But you couldn't find it there.

You could hear the sound of the tv playing. Jennie was just outside the bathroom, curled up on your shared bed as she watched tv while waiting for you to come out of the shower.

You remembered then where your makeup was - in your bag with your books.

You didn't know how you were going to grab it without her noticing your bruises. Even if you put on your clothes, she'd still see your black eye.

You managed to sneak into the house and get into the shower without too many questions from Jennie, simply saying you were exhausted from your hard day and in need of a quick shower before you did anything else, and she didn't question it at all.

But now, it was going to be much harder.

Deep in thought, you tried to think of how you could get to your bag that was in your shared bedroom to grab your makeup.

But the sound of the door opening made you jump.

"There you are, baby! Didn't you hear me calling for you?" Jennie asked as she entered the bathroom, coming closer to you so she could pull you into her arms and hold you close.

But you were still in only your towel and you knew she was going to see your bruises.

"Why didn't you knock?" You asked and Jennie frowned over how you refused to look at her, keeping your head down so she couldn't see your face.

"Do I need to?" She chuckled nervously.

"Well, I'm just in my towel-"

"And? Baby, we've been together for so long that I've seen you in less than that before." She joked and put her arms around you, leaning her head down to kiss your shoulder.

But you pulled out of her arms before she got the chance.

"I'm sorry, Jen. I'm just not feeling well." You said and tried to exit the bathroom hurriedly, only for her to catch right up to you and gently grab your wrist.

"Baby, what is it?"


"You don't feel well? That's not nothing to me. Come on, darling. Turn around so I can feel your forehead."

"No, Jennie, it's okay. It's not that kind of unwell-"

Before you could finish your sentence, she was gently turning you around to face her and the first thing she noticed was your black eye.

"Oh, baby. What happened?"


"Will you stop saying that?" She scoffed. "It's not nothing, y/n! You have a black eye!"

You hung your head, exhaling shakily.

"It's not just a black eye." You mumbled sadly.

Before she could ask any questions, you took off your towel and let it fall to the floor, allowing her to see your other bruises.

"How did you get these?" She asked, her voice cracking as she held back her tears.

"I'm being bullied by people at my college. They keep saying mean things to me and they keep hurting me."

"Well, why haven't you said anything about it? I could've helped you sooner!"

"How, Jennie? I'm an adult, I don't want to go crying to someone about it. I wanted to handle it on my own."

"Y/N, you being physically harmed every single day is not handling it on your own." She softly said as she brushed her fingertips across your bare shoulders. "Look at these bruises. You're lucky that it hasn't been worse than this yet. But it could get worse and I can't let that happen to you."

"So what do I do?" You asked as you stared into her eyes, genuinely pleading for her advice on the matter.

"I think you should get authorities involved. This is violence. And if you won't do that, then I'll take care of it. I'll tell them myself that this isn't okay and no one lays a hand on my girl." She said.

"Yeah, well, I think they'd actually like that. They like you."

"So, this stems from jealousy? Can't say that I'm surprised." She sighed. "Look, my love, either way, this is coming to an end. You will not be hurt any longer. I will not let it happen. Trust me, they won't like me after I use a few choice words for them."

You chuckled before she pulled you into her arms.

Brushing her fingers across your back, you winced as she touched one of the bruises, only for her to repeatedly apologize after.

"I'm sorry, baby girl. I'm so sorry." She whispered as she kissed your shoulder. "I love you so much. You're going to be okay. No one is ever going to hurt you again. I won't let anyone hurt you."

You put your arms around her and took in a deep breath, hoping that the bullying would all come to an end very soon.

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