gummy smiles (requested)

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Nothing in the world could take away the smile on your face.

As you lay wrapped in Jennie's arms as you cuddle in bed, you swear that you haven't felt so happy in so long.

Not just because you're content in her arms and you can finally feel the worries and stresses fade away that have been weighing heavily on you for the last long few days, but because you have yet to see that big beautiful gummy smile on your girlfriend's face fade away.

You've been laying here in bed for the last couple of hours, watching movies that you wouldn't say you like enough to watch on your own.

But Jennie loves them and, therefore, you love watching them with her.

Or, well, you love letting hr watch them while you watch her and relish in seeing her so happy.

They make her so happy and in return, her happiness spreads to you, giving you this rush and this smile that you just can't explain.

It's all because of that smile.

That big, bright gummy smile that you adore and you'd do anything to see.

It makes your heart skip a beat. Any and all of your bad days are always cured by her gummy smile. It's a beautiful sight. It tells you that she's truly and genuinely happy and that is all that matters to you.

In your eyes, there's nothing more beautiful and nothing brighter than the sight.

It's warmer than the golden rays of the sun that shine on your skin every morning when you open your eyes and it's brighter than it too.

It's inexpressible, honestly; the amount of happiness it brings you.

And you know you're not alone. You know millions of people around the world feel the same way. You know they'd all agree that your beautiful girlfriend has the most beautiful smile in the world.

One flash of it and any sadness you feel fades away.

Caught up in your thoughts, you didn't realize that Jennie was catching onto you not paying any attention to, well, anything but her.

That was, until, she stared down at you and your eyes locked.

"Why are you staring at me? Hm?" She grinned, playfully tickling your sides. "It's not nice to stare, baby girl."

"I beg to differ." You said, kissing her cheek.

She shook her head with a laugh and you stroked her cheek softly.

"Have I ever told you how much I love your smile?" You asked a moment later and she playfully rolled her bright brown eyes at you.

"Yes. You tell me all the time."

"Well, let me tell you again." You said as you stared into her eyes, brushing your thumbs along her cheeks. "I love your gummy smile. I adore it. I adore you, Jen. Your smile is just so cute and it makes me so happy. I wish you'd always be that happy. I wish your sweet gummy smile wouldn't ever fall. It's the most precious thing and I don't think you'll ever realize just how happy it makes me every time I see it."

"Thank you, baby." She beamed as she leaned in to kiss your lips. "You're so sweet."

"I love you, Jen."

"I love you too." She smiled, brushing her nose against yours. "Now, are you going to watch this movie with me?"

"Maybe... in a few. For now, though, I have an even more beautiful sight to relish in." You said and she sent you that sweet gummy smile as she giggled, making your heart feel even happier.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now