lazy day cuddles

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A soft flutter against the skin of your shoulder made you stir in your sleep.

A flutter in your heart soon followed when Jennie chuckled happily in your ear and tightened her arm around you when she noticed you stirring. She kissed your cheek before burying her face in your neck where she breathed out a soft sigh.

"This is already the best morning I've had in weeks."

You already knew the reason why, but you always love hearing the words fall from her lips, so you mumbled, "Oh? Why's that?"

"Because I'm right here with you and I don't have to leave your side all day. It's just you and me. No worries about meetings or interviews or performances. Nowhere to be, nothing to do; except to lay right here with you in my arms for hours to come."

You felt her lips brush against your cheek once more before she began to trail them to your lips. You turned your head and kept your eyes closed and you expected to feel her lips touch yours, only for them to touch the corners of your lips.

"Not fair," you pouted as you opened your eyes to stare into her eyes, only to see them sparkling when they met your own.

"Maybe not, but it got you to open those pretty eyes and look at me." She smiled and laid her hand on your cheek, caressing it lovingly. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you too, angel."

You put your head back on her shoulder and closed your eyes, only for her to poke your cheek a few times to get them to open again.

"I wanna sleep."

"And I wanna spend time with my girl. Please? C'mon, we can watch some cozy movies and cuddle and order takeout for dinner,"

"And," you interrupted, rolling over to face her. "Share lots of kisses?"

"Of course."

Your eyes lit up before they closed and you leaned in to kiss her, only to feel her finger touch your lips instead.

"After we brush our teeth."

You whined but let her take your hand and lead you into the bathroom.

It was a moment later when you were rinsing out your mouth that you felt her lips against your neck, followed by a smile against your skin when you lifted your head to look at her in the mirror.

"I'll be back in a minute. Turn on a cozy movie for us to watch for when I get back. I'll only be downstairs, so I won't be long."

You nodded and watched her leave the room before you turned off the water and then the light. Your bare feet patted softly along the floor and you climbed under the covers, pulling them back for Jennie to climb under when she joins you.

You flipped through the channels before letting out a sigh. There didn't seem to be much of anything on, so you turned on Netflix instead.

It took you a moment, but you finally came across a good movie; just as Jennie reached the doorway of the bedroom.

She glanced at the tv, playfully rolling her eyes when she noticed what you turned on.

"This one again?"

"It's my favorite!" You grinned and right when she noticed it, she found herself grinning just as brightly.

She held two mugs in her hand and passed one to you before she sat down on the bed and took a sip of the drink and when you tasted it, you felt a rush of happiness; hot chocolate, you're favorite.

You put it on the bedside table and then placed your head on her shoulder. "Thank you."

She wrapped her arms around you and kissed your head and said, "Anything for you, my love. It's our day together and I want it to be a great one. We haven't had a day together in too long, so I just wanna be with you."

You nodded and leaned in for a kiss; one that you were overjoyed to finally get one.

You melted into the kiss like you always do. You could taste the mint on her breath and felt your back hit the mattress. You tangled your fingers in her hair and brought her closer by wrapping your other arm around her neck.

"I love you so much." She whispered as she pulled away. "I've missed you."

"Love you too," you said and kissed her cheek before she fell beside you.

You put your head on her shoulder and she pulled the blankets over the both of you and then wrapped her arms around you.

"By the way," she started to say as she brushed her fingers through your hair. "Know that I never get tired of this movie. Because I know that you love it."

Your heart started to beat faster in your chest, your smile growing as you closed your eyes and tangled your legs with her own.

"I already know that today is gonna be the best day." You mumbled, feeling happier than you had in weeks, and even more so when she kissed your forehead and let her lips linger on your skin for a few seconds.

"Me too, baby."

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now