when you get a bad grade on an exam (requested)

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"What's that, my love?" Jennie asked as she noticed the papers in your hands as you plopped down on the sofa beside her.

"My results from my exam." You said. "I got them back. I haven't looked at them yet. I wanted to look at it with you."

She cracked a small smile before she scooted closer to you, her hand falling gently onto your back.

She knows how nervous you've been about getting your exam results back. You worked so hard on it, pulling a few all-nighters to try and do better.

"Okay. Let's see them."

"I'm nervous." You confessed.

"Don't be nervous. You did great, I know it!" She encouraged and with a deep breath, you grabbed the papers and looked at them.

The results made your heart drop.

It was exactly what you feared.

Your grade was low. It wasn't a failing grade but it was bad.

"I don't understand." You said. "I worked so hard. I thought I'd do well."

"I'm so sorry, baby." Jennie sighed as she brushed her fingers through your hair.

"What did I do wrong? I feel like I'm such an idiot."

"No, my love, don't say those things about yourself. It was just a bad grade. It happens."

"In university, Jennie. I don't want to fail my classes. My future depends on all of this. It's one bad grade now but what if there are more? What if it's not the last?"

"We will cross that bridge if we get to it. But, baby girl, you're being so hard on yourself. You worked hard, so hard, on this. I know your grade wasn't bad but you didn't fail and you can sleep at night knowing that you worked hard. You know most people don't care as much as you do or work as hard as you do."

"That's true." You said as she comforting rubbed your back.

"And you're so smart. You're a sweet, smart cookie. You're the smartest girl that I know. One bad grade does not define you. One bad grade doesn't mean you'll fail or you didn't work hard enough or you're not smart enough. It happens. What you do is prepare for the next one and believe in yourself and keep faith that you'll do better next time."

What started as sadness and self-doubt flooding over you was now turning into happiness and relief.

You know you're hard on yourself. You are your own worst critic. No one ever hurts you with the words you say than you do.

But Jennie is always there for you. Helping you find confidence and helping you believe in yourself.

It isn't always easy. But you're a human and you can't always be perfect at everything you do, no matter how much you wish you could.

"You mean all of that?"

"You know I do, sweet girl. I believe in you. Always. I wish you'd believe in yourself sometimes too. Because you'll be okay. There's always next time. You're smarter than you think."

You put your arms around her and breathed out a breath of comfort.

You know she's right. You know you'll be okay. You know, next exam, you'll do good. You just have to believe in yourself; the way Jennie always believes in you.

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