it was only just a dream (requested)

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"Jennie?" You called out as you walked through the front door.

Your day has been absolutely terrible and it seems like it won't stop like it just keeps getting worse and worse. Thankfully, Jennie had the day off today and you can simply rush right into her arms today, which you desperately need right now.

Since she wasn't anywhere to be found downstairs, you knew she was in the bedroom. You know she's been busy lately, so you figured she's either catching up on some sleep or watching some cozy movies.

But your heart sank as soon as you heard someone else's voice coming from the bedroom. You could hear Jennie's laugh mixing with this one, which obviously belonged to another woman.

You walked a little slower as your heart hammered against your chest. You could hear whispers of Jennie's name falling repeatedly from the girl's lips and when you stood outside the bedroom door, you took a peek through the crack and your heart dropped at what you saw.

Jennie was hovering over the girl as their lips moved passionately in perfect sync. You could feel the tears sting your eyes. The floor creaked beneath your feet and you pushed the door open to find Jennie and the stranger staring at you, and laughing before they continued to make out.

"Y/N? Y/N," you heard Jennie say repeatedly as she shook you awake, snapping you out of that terrible nightmare.

You sat up quickly against the pillows stacked against the bed. Jennie was staring at you worriedly as she softly brushed her fingertips along your arms. You were sweating and panting to catch your breath.

"Jen?" You whimpered and took her hand into yours, giving it a squeeze. She instantly squeezed it back before reaching out with her free hand to wipe away the tear that fell down your cheek.

"Oh, shh," she shushed softly. "It's okay, baby. I've got you." She whispered as you hugged her as close as you possibly could.

You trembled in her embrace. The nightmare lingered in your mind. No matter how much Jennie tried to reassure you that everything was okay, you still felt terrible.

"You have a nightmare, sweet girl?"

You nodded, whimpering against her neck.

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

She tried to pull away but you only held her tighter, so she continued to hold you and let you cling to her as you spoke against the skin of her neck that was damp from the couple of tears you shed.

"Y-You cheated on me."

Her heart sank in her chest.

"Y/N, I would never-"

"I know." You interrupted. "I know you wouldn't, Jennie. But it scared me."

"Hey," she whispered softly and wiggled out of your grip, just enough to drop her forehead against yours and stare into your worried eyes.

She cupped your cheeks and brushed her thumbs along them softly, cracking a smile as you relaxed from her touch.

"You have no reason to be afraid of that. That's never going to happen, not ever. I can't imagine my life without you. There is no one else in this world that I want to be with. Not now, not ever. You're the only one, forever and always. No one would ever compare to you."

"Sorry," you apologized, only for her to shake her head and kiss yours.

"Don't be. It was just a really bad dream. That's what I need you to remember - it was just a terrible dream. I love you too much to ever leave you or hurt you like that."

"I love you more."

"Oh? Well, that's just not possible. Because I love you most." She whispered the last part and playfully booped your nose, causing you to giggle.

"Can you hold me?"

"Absolutely, and I won't let go." She said as she laid back, pulling you right into her embrace. She held you securely.

Your mind started to calm down, your worries began to fade as she played with your hair and sang you your favorite song. She told you how much she loved you, but you didn't need her to continue saying it because you felt it.

In her arms, you felt so safe and warm.

That terrible dream was only ever going to be just a dream.

You know that, because you know just how loved and important you are to Jennie, and that wouldn't ever change.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant