she doesn't know you're sick and argues with you (requested)

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"Y/N! I'm home!" You heard Jennie yell from downstairs.

You didn't do anything more than groan and hug the blankets a little tighter as you shivered.


"Jennie, stop yelling." You grumbled as you rubbed your temples, your head already pounding.

"There you are." She sighed as she walked into the bedroom. "Still in bed? Have you even gotten up at all today?" She asked, clearly in a bad mood judging by the tone of her voice.

You scoffed at her as she walked to the closet to grab a cozy sweater to change into before grabbing some sweats.

"Do you realize how late it is? How about dinner?"

"I'm not that hungry, actually-" you started to say as you slowly sat up against the pillows.

"Not you, y/n. Me." She sighed as she turned around, gazing at you in disappointment as she folded her arms over her chest.

"I've had a long day at practice. I texted you that I was on my way home. Usually, you order something or cook me something to eat because you know how tired I am."

"Uh, excuse you, Jennie. Don't talk to me that way. I do things because I love and care about you, not because I'm obligated to. If you're so hungry right now, use your two feet to walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where you can use your two hands and cook your own food."

"I've had a hard enough day. You're just being annoying right now." She groaned, rolling her eyes at you.

"Annoying?" You repeated in disbelief. "I'm annoying because I'm sick and won't cook for you?"

"You're just making excuses." She grumbled, shaking her head.

"Jennie, how can you say that to me? What is going on with you today? Why would I lie about being sick? I've been throwing up a lot today, I have a fever, I'm exhausted, and I just want to rest."

She walked to you and put her hand on your forehead, not believing that you were sick at first.

But when she realized that you were burning up, she pulled her hand away slowly and realized just how ungrateful and mean she was being to you.

"Believe me now?"

"I'm sorry, y/n."

"How can I cook for you when I can't even make myself a can of soup?" You grumbled.

"I had no idea that you were sick, baby. I'm so sorry."

"You should be." You said, staring at her in shock. "I do nice things for you because I love you, not because I have to. Don't act entitled with me."

She nodded as she brushed her fingers through your hair, sending you a small smile.

"You're right. I shouldn't have spoken to you the way that I did and I was so wrong for it. Forgive me?"

"Yeah. Of course." You said. "I don't have the energy to be mad at you anyway. I'm exhausted."

"My poor baby." She mumbled sadly. "Can I get you anything? Do you think you could handle some soup?"

"I don't know."

"If you want, I'll make you some and I'll make something for myself. If it makes you sick, I'll get you some crackers or something and I'll hold your hair back for you."

You smiled a little and nodded your head before you closed your eyes as she pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead.

She gently pushed at your shoulders, getting you to lay down on the bed. She tucked you in, making sure you were warm and comfortable under the covers.

"I'm sorry again."

"You're forgiven, my love." You said. "I love you."

"I love you more. Get some rest. I'll be back soon. If you need anything, yell for me."

"Okay." You mumbled as you closed your tired eyes, needing some sleep while she went down to make you both some food.

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