she steals the blankets

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You had only been sleeping for about twenty minutes when a shiver going down your shoulder blades woke you up.

You really didn't wanna open your eyes, not after having so much trouble falling asleep tonight in the first place. You figured you'd just pull your blanket further over yourself and go back to sleep. But when you reached for it, you realized that you only seemed to have the hem of it.

You reluctantly opened your eyes and blinked a few times to get a better look through the darkness of the room, the only light coming from the moonlight coming through the window.

The first thing you thought of was that you somehow kicked the blanket off of you in your sleep. You grabbed at the hem, expecting for the blanket to just easily be pulled back onto the bed.

But there was something preventing you from pulling it over yourself again. You quickly realized the blanket wasn't on the floor, rather it was over Jennie. She must've stolen it from you somewhere in that small block of time you had been asleep.

You saw she was holding it in her hand and it was also tucked beneath her thigh. You tried to just pull on it, but she had a good grip on it and she wasn't letting it go.

You didn't wanna have to wake her. She had a hard time getting to sleep too and she had a busy day today. But you're cold and way too tired to go grab another blanket from the closet.

You tapped her shoulder softly and watched as she opened her eyes. "Hm? Y/n? What time is it?" She mumbled sleepily.

You looked at the clock. It was just after one am.

"A little after one." You whispered to which Jennie just whined.

"What's going on? Why are you awake at this time? I thought you had finally fallen asleep a little bit ago, baby."

You nodded and met her tired eyes. "I did, but then I woke back up because I was cold. You stole my blanket, honey. I'm sorry to wake you up but I'm too tired to get up and get another one."

Jennie looked down at your blanket that she was covered up with. "Oh, no! I'm really sorry about that." She said and quickly draped it over you instead. She looked around through her sleepy haze and saw that it was at the edge of the bed. "I must've kicked it off for some reason." She murmured to herself before pulling it over her and flopping back onto the bed.

"Are you cold? Do you need this blanket too? Or maybe one of my sweaters?"

Even though she was exhausted, she was still a little worried about you. She felt guilty for stealing your blankets, even though it wasn't really intentional and she was unaware of even doing it.

You chuckled and shook your head, leaning over to plant a few kisses to her forehead. "No, I'm alright now, baby."

"Well, just to be sure," she mumbled and pulled you close. Your head fell to her shoulder and she laid a couple of kisses to your head. She pulled her arms out from the blanket and wrapped them around you. "How's that?"

"Perfect. I'm much warmer now."

She closed her eyes with a tiny smile on her face. "Good. I love you. Sweet dreams, y/n."

You could feel her breath against your neck when she buried her face into the crook of it, but you didn't care one bit. "I love you too, Jennie. Goodnight." You mumbled before falling back asleep, all cozy and warm.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now