you fight but can't sleep without each other

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When laying on your own side of the bed didn't seem to bring you much comfort you rolled over onto Jennie's side instead.

It was the next best thing considering she was sleeping across the hall tonight.

It seemed like a good idea at first. You were both frustrated and instead of being like some couples, you both kept your worst words to yourselves and let the slamming of the doors say it all instead.

Because even though you both had long days and being in the midst of an argument can make you feel frustrated, there are some things you just wouldn't ever say to each other.

The idea of going across the hall and crawling into her arms has crossed your mind more than once. So many you've lost count.

But you didn't know if she still needed space. You wanted to give her that room to breathe. You didn't want to make matters worse.

So you curled up with her pillow and blanket instead. As the words echoed through your brain and the hours passed by. Your long day was catching up with you, but the lack of Jennie's warmth and the emptiness you felt without her embrace kept you wide awake.

You tossed and turned before giving up. You thought about sneaking a peek into the room and seeing if she was asleep or maybe sitting on the swing in the backyard till the sun came up.

But before you could do anything there was a very quiet knock on the bedroom door. You knew it was Jennie. Obviously. Who else would it be at nearly three in the morning?

There was a moment of silence. Stillness. It was as though you were both hesitating and holding your breath to see what the other would do next.

When a few minutes tense moments passed by without another sound you got out of bed. You went to the door and as soon as you opened it, with a long and honest apology on your lips, you were pulled straight into Jennie's arms.

Her breath fanned against your ear as she held onto you tightly.

"I'm sorry!" You said at the same time as she did, causing you both to chuckle in relief and hold each other tighter.

"I hate it when we fight." You confessed.

"Me too. We always work things out though, don't we?" She pulled her face from your neck and hooked her fingers under your chin, happily pulling you in for a few loving kisses.

"We do."

You looped your arms around her neck and kisses her again before pulling away.

"Come on. The bed is too cold without you and all I want is for you to hold me."

"Happily, my love." She said as you both climbed into bed. She instantly wrapped her arm around you and held you as close as she could.

"Love you. Sleep tight, Y/N."

With a kiss to your head, she closed her eyes and let her head fall back against the pillow.

"I will, now that you're here. I love you too, Jennie; so much."

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now