take the night away (requested)

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"Y/N, baby?" Jennie called out as she walked through the front door of your home.

Not seeing you in the living room, she knew you had to be in your bedroom so she hurried down the hall to you.

She appeared in the doorway a few seconds later and you turned your head upon hearing her footsteps.

She saw the bags under your eyes right away and noticed the look of utter exhaustion in your eyes.

But it wasn't just that.

Your hair was messy as if you've been running your fingers through it again and again, which is one of your nervous habits.

On your desk in front of you were a bunch of books from your college classes as well as pens and sharpies.

She saw the crumbled-up pieces of paper on the floor as if you've been tearing up your notes, which you had been using for studying.

"Jennie," you sniffled as if you were going to start crying.

And the strings of Jennie's heart were being tugged at upon hearing the sound and seeing the tears in your eyes.

So she ran across the room to you, bringing you into her arms for the biggest and most secure hug she could give you.

"I hurried here as quickly as I could." She spoke, kissing your head a few times. "Are you okay, darling?"

You pulled away from the hug and shook your head, causing a sad sigh to fall from her lips.

"Come here," she whispered before taking your hand into hers and pulling you across the room to sit on your bed with you.

She sat back against your pillows and pulled you into her arms, letting you sit between her legs with your back to her chest.

"Talk to me, sweet girl. Tell me what's the matter." She said in a soft voice as she began to brush her fingers across your arms.

It's about ten at night but she'd been in practice when you called.

She was about done for the day so when you told her that you needed her to hurry over, she left and came to you as quickly as she could.

But she would've left to come here to you even if she had hours left in practice.

It's clear that you're upset and need her and you being her priority means that anytime, she will always rush to you when you need her.

"I'm so tired." You spoke as you ran your hands across your face, tangling your fingers in your hair once more. "I'm tired and I'm stressed. Studying is getting to be overwhelming but I know I have to keep going. I'm just so frustrated!"

"Okay, shh," she said, kissing the back of your neck comfortingly. "

"I feel like I'm not smart enough to do this anymore because none of its sinking in. I feel so bad about myself and I feel like I'm going to fail."

"No, baby, no. You're not going to fail." She assured. "My love, the reason it isn't sinking in is that you're putting too much pressure on yourself and you're not taking breaks or resting. You're overworking yourself."

You sniffled and put your head back on her shoulder, gazing up at her with teary eyes.

"I can't imagine how stressed you must be. I see how hard you work and you're amazing with it. Don't ever say you're not smart enough because you always succeed time and time again. You're the brightest girl that I know."


"Really, baby." She said as she stared into your eyes, smiling a little. "It's okay to take breaks. It helps. I think it's time you take one."

"That doesn't sound too bad." You said.

"I think you need to step away for the night and let me hold you and remind you that you're so smart and beautiful and you will always succeed in everything that you set your mind to."

She suddenly laid you on the mattress and hovered over you before she started to kiss across your entire face.

You laughed happily as your mood shifted and your tears dried.

"I love you so much." She said as she kissed your lips. "You're perfect and you should give yourself more credit, my love. Believe in yourself the way that I believe in you. Take the night away, spend it with me, and by tomorrow you'll be back studying and you'll feel much better when doing so."

"Okay." You smiled as you stared up at her, right into her beautiful eyes. "I love you lots, Jennie. Thank you for the pep talk. I needed it."

"Just saying the truth, baby."

You put your arms around her and pulled her in for another kiss, so thankful that you always have the most beautiful and amazing girlfriend when you need comfort and cheering up.

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