you sleepwalk (requested)

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Jennie rolled over in her light slumber and went to hug you closer to her body as a slight chill came over her. She reached for you, only to feel wrinkled and cold sheets and your pillow instead of your warm body.

"Y/n?" She mumbled sleepily and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She waited to hear a response, but the only thing she got in return was the silence in the air.

Worried about where you were at only two in the morning, she swung her legs over the bed and padded across the floor until she was out of your shared bedroom.

The hallway was dark, the lights all out, and when she reached the bottom of the stairs she realized that all of the lights were out.

But she heard a thud come from the kitchen and being so unsure of where you might be and what you could be doing at this hour, she grew even more worried.

"Y/n? Babe?" She called out for you as she dragged her feet into the kitchen, where she found you at the stove. You were fully dressed in your jeans and one of her shirts, your hair pulled back, although messily, and you were cooking something in the oven... something that was beginning to burn a little.

"Y/n! What are you doing?" She asked and gently pushed you out of the way before putting on an oven glove and pulling out the very burnt frozen food you cooked. "It's two in the morning! Why are you cooking? Why are you dressed? You only fell asleep two hours ago! Aren't you exhausted?"

You didn't respond and one look into your glazed eyes made all the pieces fall into place. She came up to you and gently placed her hand on your shoulder. She hooked her fingers under your chin and looked into your eyes, realizing that you weren't even gazing back at her.

"Are you sleepwalking?" She asked a puzzled expression on her face and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She's never seen you sleepwalk before and you've never even mentioned doing so. Why were you doing it now?

"Okay, baby girl," she mumbled, more so to herself than to you, as she placed her hand on the small of your back and tried to guide you away from the oven and the food, preferably to your shared bed.

She managed to guide you into the living room, but you passed by the table where your keys were and you tried to reach for them.

"Oh no you don't," she mumbled and gently took them from your hand. "Up the stairs, baby. We'll get you up to bed, get you all cozy and warm. Sound good?"

You didn't respond, simply let her guide you up the stairs. She paid closer attention to watching your feet than ever before and kept her hand on the small of your back and brushed it along your skin comfortingly.

She was relieved when you made it up to bed. She laid you down and tucked you in before climbing back under the covers herself.

But you sat straight up, eyes wide open and gazing at the wall, startling your girlfriend.

"Please let this only be a one-night thing," she pleaded and gently laid you back onto the bed. Your eyes slipped shut and you started to fall asleep.

When she laid down beside you, you said her name and she looked back over at you to find you still laying down, still asleep.

You were simply dreaming about her, much to her relief.

"Goodnight, baby. Sleep tight. No more sleepwalking tonight... or any night, for that matter." She chuckled and kissed your shoulder softly. "Love you, baby girl. Sweet dreams."

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now