stolen toys and ruined phones (requested)

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Jennie shook her head with a laugh as soon as she walked through the door. She could hear the small footsteps upstairs as your two kids played around.

Your son and daughter are both under seven and although they can be a handful at times, they're yours' and Jennie's whole world.

She closed the door and made sure it shut loudly on purpose. Just as she hoped, she heard the rushed footsteps on the stairs as you and the kids came down.

Jennie's eyes lit up, a huge smile on her face as they ran to her and hugged her legs.

"Oh, hi, my babies!" She bent down and hugged them both tightly. "How was your day? Have you both been good for your mom?"

They both answered yes but she looked at you just to make sure.

"They were good. They almost always are. I wish I had the amount of energy they do though."

Jennie laughed and then kissed both of their heads.

"Okay, up to the playroom you go. I have to talk to your mom about something."

You frowned and watched them run upstairs before Jennie put her arms around you to pull you closer.

"What's up?"

"Nothing." She smiled as she leaned in to give you a kiss. "We've got two small kids, y/n. You know how hard it is to share moments like these otherwise."

You laughed and looped your arms around her neck as you moved your lips lovingly against hers.

You only pulled away when the sound of your son crying came from upstairs. It was loud and it made you both panic instantly.

You pulled apart and rushed upstairs.

"What happened?" You asked and ran straight to him.

You looked him over, combing back his hair to check his head and make sure there were no bumps or blood.

"He's not hurt." You told Jennie, who noticeably relaxed at that.

"So why the tears, buddy?" Jennie asked as she walked to him and kissed his head as she dried his cheeks.

"She took my toy!"

You both looked at your daughter who was happily playing with what you recognized as your son's favorite toy.

Jennie cleared her throat and took a seat beside your six-year-old, Aria.

"Why'd you steal his toy?"

"I wanted to play with it. He never shares it with me." She pouted.

"Give it," he whined and tried to pull it out of her hands.

"No, no! Someone's going to get hurt if you keep this up. Knock it off." Jennie warned. "How about you let your sister play with your toy for now and you can play with my phone?"

His eyes lit up as Jennie pulled her phone from her pocket.

"Just be careful with it. Promise?"

"Promise." He said and hugged her tight before sitting down and loading up the game Jennie lets him play on her phone all the time.

"Okay. Now that's solved. Want to help me pick out dinner?" You asked Jennie, who happily nodded her head and took your hand to lead you downstairs.

You looked through the fridge and the cupboards, taking your time to weigh your options and choose what sounded best.

It was no less than ten minutes after Jennie gave her phone to your young son, Noah, that he began to run downstairs as fast as he could with tears falling down his face.

"Buddy? What happened?" You asked worriedly as Jennie pulled him into her arms.

"Phone..." he mumbled against her neck.

"What about my phone, honey?"

"I dropped it."


"The toilet."

Jennie's eyes went wide and she gently put him on his feet before rushing upstairs to the kids' bathroom.

There it was. Inside the water was the phone she had only recently got. The last one she had she let Aria play on and she ended up dropping it on the concrete outside, shattering the screen.

"Oh, no," she mumbled as she tried to think of a way to pull it out.


She turned her head to find you and Noah in the doorway.

"It's okay." She assured and opened her arms for him. "I can buy a new one. It's not a big deal."

"Feel bad," he mumbled sadly as Jennie pulled away to wipe his cheeks.

"Don't feel bad. It was just an accident. It's not like you threw it in there for fun. Right?"

He shook his head and she hugged him again.

"See? No big deal." She kissed his head before grabbing some gloves and pulling it out.

After that, she scrubbed her hands and arms until her skin was almost red, just to be safe. Then she gave him another hug and a kiss on his head.

"Hey, how does ice cream sound after dinner?" She asked and his eyes lit up, followed by the sound of approaching and fast footsteps leading to the bedroom.

"Ice cream?"

"Yeah. After dinner. And you have to be nice to each other. Please give your brother his toy back."

She nodded and quickly ran back to the room to grab it before bringing it back to him.

"Now, try not to drop that one in the toilet." You teased and he giggled before running back to the room with his sister, leaving you and Jennie alone to walk back downstairs and get dinner together so you can start your fun family night.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now