"you lost" (requested)

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"So, I have an idea," Jennie said as she stared at you. "I saw something on TikTok and I thought we should do it."

"Oh boy," You said. "Should I be nervous? That's where I get my ideas for all my pranks that I pull on you."

"Hush," She teased, poking your sides. "It's not a prank. It's more of a challenge."

"I'm intrigued. What does it consist of?"

"Stand up and I'll show you." She said and after you both stood up, she started to lean in a little, lips inching closer and closer to yours.

Your breath hitched as you closed your eyes and prepared to feel her lips on yours.

But you only felt her warm breath fan against your lips.

"No kissing allowed."

You opened your eyes and looked at her in confusion.

"And how will we ever manage that? It's so hard to keep myself from kissing you."

"If that's the way you feel then I think you'll lose the challenge then, baby."

That brought out your competitive side and you shook your head, feeling sure that wouldn't happen.

"I doubt that."

"Well, if you're so sure about it then I'll explain a little more. We try and drive each other wild. You know, cause each other some gay panic."

Well, she sure is good at that.

"No kissing. We see who loses first."

"What about touching?" You asked and watched her smirk a little.

"That's okay."

"Alright. You're going down, Jennie."

"You wish. Right, baby?" She asked, raising her eyebrows suggestively a little. "Challenge begins now."

And just like that, it started and you were confident that you'd win.

You stared into her eyes, slowly closing the distance between you as she tried not to melt over how pretty your eyes are.

She always does but she just can't help it.

But just as she felt like she might cave, she refused and stood her ground.

She watched as you wet your lips, tongue swiping across the bottom and top, causing her heart to race.


She wasn't losing this.

She wasn't going to be the first to cave.

She decided that she'd tease you too, doing something that drives you insane.

You watched as she bit her lip, teeth sinking right into it as she gazed at you seductively.

And as she did that, she moved her hands to lay on your body.

But not somewhere like your hips or your back.


Your butt.

She was pulling out all the stops, running her fingers over your shorts as she sexily sank her teeth into her lip.

You were so close to caving.

You tried to think of how you could tease her and win but it was so hard to think when she was looking at you and touching you like that.

"You're so damn sexy, baby girl. If only you'd just cave," she said as she leaned in and started to whisper in your ear once more. "Think of all the things we could do. I could touch you, hold you, kiss you. Maybe more than that?"

Your heart almost burst out of your chest.

"Stop being so competitive. You and I both know you're going to lose this. So let go, cave in, and we will do whatever your heart desires from there, sweet girl."

She was right.

You both knew that.

Unable to resist, you closed the distance left between you and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

She melted and plopped down on the sofa, pulling you onto her lap as you put your arms around her neck and kissed her more feverishly than you ever have before.

"Hey, sexy. You lost." She reminded you as she smirked against your lips.

"I don't care." You said. "Just keep kissing me. I need your lips and your touch, Jennie."

"Whatever you want, darling," She said and continued to kiss you as her hands traveled across your body.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now